Does tea benefit our health?!


Does tea benefit our health?

How does it benefit?
Does it help in improving our memory?

Tea is a great antioxidant, green tea especially. An antioxidant is good for the skin, so cold teabags placed on eyes reduce dark circles and under-eye puffiness (I've tried it!). But more than a cup a day is not good for the digestive system as tea takes long to digest and is also a diuretic.

I, me, myself!

Common tea is a stimulant & also a good snack. However it is NOT beneficial for us. It contains Tannin & Caffeine. They are proven to be fast stimulants as well as slow poisons.

However, if you are talking about Green Tea, then it is SURELY a good health drink. It helps in slimming & also helps prevents memory loss. There are many other benefits too... !

Green tea does. I heard that it cleans your blood of bad stuff.

thery are many studies for and agianst this piont so it would be hard for me to say but you can judge for yourself

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, TEA doesn't help us at all . when you put milk on it it reduces its benefits .&we are so harmed so it doesnot help in improving our memory. belive me i studied it.

A lot of them do. Google "tea & its' benefits."

Yes it does, but black tea isn't that good because it contains caffeine. Green tea however is a great antioxidant and cleanses your blood. It's really comforting as well as healthy.

It depends what tea:
the bags of tea that are ready to prepare are maybe good for throat pain, hoarseness and flu, but they are not healthy for theirselves, if you want a healthy tea you should make a herbs (plants) tea, the mint is very good, very healthy.
how to prepare: boil water and put the mint (after washing them)in the water , add sugar as you want ,take out the mint after 2-5 minutes, when the water took the mint color, but you don't have to take it out...
also the organic tea is known as healthy, you can find a variety of them in special stores for healthy and organic food.
good luck!

I don't think drinking tea will benefit your health, but it is a great supplement to an already healthy diet and lifestyle. If you drink tea once, don't expect a miracle, but replacing your beverages with tea, exercising and a healthy diet would all contribute to a healthy individual. Does it improve memory? it might, but doing puzzles and reading a lot of books will also improve your memory. Doing memory exercises are probably better than drinking tea, but tea could probably help! just my opinion.

Yes, Teas have lots of antioxidents and flavorids that help keep us healthy and keeping us from getting sick and catching diseases, especially green tea.

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