Is coffee more harmful than tea?!


Is coffee more harmful than tea?

Yes, it contains more caffeine.

Depends where you spill it

If the tea is like natural tea (Ex: Chinese and Green tea) then coffee is worse then tea a lot. But if it's english tea with lots of sugar and milk, it's just as bad as the coffee

It depends on how much you drink. As the father of modern toxicology, Paracelsus stated... "everything is a poison, I know none which is not. It is the dose that makes the poison"

Recently, scientific liturature indicated that drinking coffee may in fact reduce the risk of getting alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. studies showed that alcoholics that also consumned up to 4 cups of coffee a day had an 80% less incidence of developing cirrhosis!

Both tea and coffee are complex mixtures of essentially chemical compounds... some are good for you at the right doses, others are not. the ballot is still out on which is worse for you anyway.

Who cares is it going to stop you drinking it???

Yes. Coffee contains a lot more caffeine and if you have too much caffeine it can kill you but you have to drink exessive amounts. Also coffee stains your teeth which isn't a good look. Anythings okay in small amounts.

It does contain more caffeine but it only gets harmful if you start drinking more than 3/4 cups a day. Tea can be just as bad if you drink too much. Moderation is key

Tea is better for your health, especially herbal teas which can have different medicinal functions.

From my personal experience; strong or excessive coffee gives me heart palpitations whereas tea has a calming effect.

Henry Thoreau: "Water is the best drink for a wise man."

they say it is but i love it so i don't care if it is or not do you??

Dunno, I'm only on my third cup...

yes, coffee contains caffeine and therefore not good too much can be harmful for health. Tea is to some extent ok.

Both of it could be harmful if anyone intake excessive of it because coffee has got caffeine in it and tea has nicotine.

Yup. Tea contains less caffeine than coffee. This is because the amount of tea leaves used to brew a cup of tea is significantly smaller than the amount of coffee beans for a cup of coffee. There's more to it, but i don't wanna bore you with the details.

Personally, I like coffee much better. I guess it's alright if you prefer coffee. You probably just need to drink it in moderation.

Yes, coffee contains a lot more caffeine which also makes it a duretic - i.e. you become dehydrated because you urinate more liquid than your body is taking in.

This is true of tea, but to much a lesser extent to coffee due to the low caffeine content.

In fact tea has been proven to have health properties because of the antibodies contained in it. It is often brought up when talking about cancer preventatives etc.

Over the years, I have read that Scientists have found that certain funghi and mildew do not attack the tea plant due to antibodies contained in the leaves. Apparently, the drinker absorbes these antibodies and it has been documentated that the tea drinker is a lot less likely to pick up germs and bugs compared to non-drinkers.

Also when ladies in wartime Britain couldn't get stockings because of rationing, they dabbed a damp tea leaves on their legs to give them a tanned look, drawing a pencil line at the back to make them look like stockings, right? Well the ladies that kept up this practice well into their 50's have almost cellulite free legs apparently!

Make up your own mind but have a read of this page from Wikipeidia:

It depends. Both have their advantages & disadvantages and it depends on how much you drink of each...
Drinking coffee cuts alcohol's harmful effects:
and also helps to reduce the risk of diabetes and parkinsons:
But research also shows that tea is much healthier than drinking water:
Interesting facts about tea and coffee:

It's a known fact that coffee contains a lot of caffiene stuff in it which is harmful if taken excessively. That's why if you take coffee or tea it becomes addictive because of the caffine involved in it. The caffaine weakens the brain and makes it addictive towards coffee and tea. That's why doctors advice to reduce intake of coffee and tea.

Coffee and tea have the exact same amount of caffeine. HOWEVER.....the caffeine in coffee affects the central nervous system, meaning if you drink to much you find you get the jitters, and have a hard time concentrating. The effects of caffeine in tea effect the mind. It makes you awake, and calm. So if you are studying or have to pull an all nighter for work... drink tea not coffee.

yes, i think so maybe because i'm a tea lover

they say it is

might be
it contains more caffeine
which is not such a bad thing for weight loss and cancer prevention

They both stain your teeth. I`m really not sure though. If you are looking for soemthing healthy to drink, you could always drink V8 or fruit juices!!!

um let me think - tea is usually in boxes of cardboard
coffee is in jars usally of glass

therefor it would make sense that coffee is more harmfull

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