Why is tea so uplifting?!
Why is tea so uplifting?
I know it's got caffeine in but coffee doesn't get me like that. So what's different about tea?
It is because of where the caffeine is coming from. With coffee you get it from coffee beans, which have to nutritional value. When you drink tea it comes from different plants and tea leaves that have not only caffeine, but anti-oxidents and vitamins.
it is more refreshing, it has more antioxidants in it
it's a comfort thing! Like toast! Wonderful isn't it?
It has to do with the memories surrounding tea for me... At home my mum and my grandparents would all sit around drinking tea and talking.. It reminds me of having all the people I love in one room.
it has something in it that relaxes you.
teas got more caffeine than coffee.
Only coffee for me. Personally I hate tea. It tastes to me like exactly what it is...compost.
Maybe you are addicted to tea. I mean some people can't go through the day without so many cups of it. Other people find it 's coffee
The only thing I get from Tea is indigestion Coffee every time please.
Probably just knowing that it's 100% natural leaves just soaked in hot water. and there's no other more natural beverage besides water. One could argue that coffee is also a natural beverage.
nothing better than sitting in a nice comfy spot having a nice hot cup of tea :)
it reminds me of my grandparents, they were british and we always had tea and cookies.
im going to have some now i convinced myself!
I feel that coffee can sometimes get a person too agitated, tea uplifts as I don't think it is quite as potent. Loverly
healtier... i love teacuppa.com dragonwell green tea