Something other than coffee to wake me up in the morning?!


Something other than coffee to wake me up in the morning?

I need something to wake me up in the morning.I hate coffee and and it has adverse effects.None of the actual teas I have tried taste very good,but I've only had a few.I want something that doesn't take too long to make and is fairly cheap (no "energy" drinks).

eat an apple. I read somewhere that it has more natural caffeine-like stimulants that awaken your system. I know when I am trying to study for an exam or need to wake up, I eat one and it does wonders, plus its healthier. =)


i drink diet coke first thing in the morning. the headaches come on if i don't!

I drink coke - i even hate the smell of coffee

You could drink caffeinated soda or just take caffeine pills to get the same effect as coffee.

orange juice is said to help wake people does hot chocolate..

Tea, it has anti-oxidants and less caffiene. Make your own, most places but a 5 lb bag of sugar in every urn.

Coke or diet coke with caffiene

Hot Chocolate, plenty of caffine in the chocolate

yuck coke? first thing in the morning? mid aftenoon maybe.
The rush of natural sugars from a fruit smoothie first thing in the morning does for me what coffee used to.

Lipton GREEN tea and citrus are good and perk you up!

Drinking your urine is a good way to start your day, if you plan to have a nasty day, that is.

Red bull

hot shower,chocolate, or mountin dew!

i drink a diet coke sometimes, also starbucks has those mocha dridge drinks that are tasty, i like red bull sometimes, sugar free, also what about vitamin waterwith b12 it energizes we with natural vitamins!

either drink soda with a high caffene level like mt.dew. or go get some caffene pills

cold shower but don't drink the water

Nice Cold Orange Juice

Chai Lattes..... sweet, black tea, caffeine and filling. Beakfast of champions

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