What is soft water and hard water?!


What is soft water and hard water?

Hard water is water that has a high mineral content (water with a low mineral content is known as soft water). This content usually consists of high levels of metal ions, mainly calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in the form of carbonates, but may include several other metals as well as bicarbonates and sulfates. It is not generally dangerous. The simplest way to determine if water is hard or soft is the lather/froth test. If the water is very soft, soap will tend to lather up easily when agitated, where as with hard water it will not. Toothpaste will also not froth well in hard water. More exact methods of 'hardness' detection use a wet titration method to determine hardness.

Soft water is the term used to describe types of water that contain few or no calcium or magnesium ions. The term is usually relative to hard water, which does contain significant amounts of such ions.

Soft Water usually from peat or igneous rock sources, such as granite but may also derive from sandstone sources, since such sedimentary rocks are usually low in calcium and magnesium

-Hard water is water that contains an appreciative quantity of dissolved minerals (like calcium and magnesium)

-Soft water is treated water in which the only ion is sodium.

As rainwater falls, it is naturally soft.? However, as water makes its way through the ground and into our waterways, it picks up minerals like chalk, lime and mostly calcium and magnesium.? Since hard water contains essential minerals, it is sometimes the preferred drinking water, not only because of the health benefits, but also the flavor.? On the other hand, soft water tastes salty and is sometimes not suitable for drinking.? So why, then, do we soften our water?

When it boils down, the major difference between hard and soft water can best be seen while doing household chores.? Hard water is to blame for dingy looking clothes, dishes with spots and residue and bathtubs with lots of film and soap scum.? Even hair washed in hard water may feel sticky and look dull.? Hard water can take a toll on household appliances as well, using up more energy.? The elements of hard water are to blame for all of these negative factors, as soap is less effective due to its reaction to the magnesium and calcium.? The lather is not as rich and bubbly.

Chore-doers will love using soft water, as tasks can actually be performed more efficiently with it.? Soap will lather better and items will be left cleaner.? Glasses will sparkle and hair will look healthy.? The shower curtain will be scum-free.? Clothes and skin are left softer.? In addition to time, this can also save money, as less soap and detergents will be used.? ? Since appliances have to work less hard, soft water can also prolong the life of washing machines, dishwaters and water heaters.? Energy bills are noticeably lower when in households with water softeners.? In a time of rising energy costs, this is something to think about.

Soft water is not, however, suggested for those with heart or circulatory problems, or others who may be on a low sodium diet. In the softening process, as minerals are removed, sodium content increases.A Research shows that cardiovascular disease has the lowest risk in areas where water has the most mineral content.?

Hard water is water contianing chalk.
Soft water does not.

Hard water is more likily to produce lime-scale problems.

Soft and hard refers to how much solute the water contains. For example, water which contains a lot of minerals like salt, would be considered hard, whereas if the water contains a low concentration of solute, it would be classified as soft.

soft water is rain water, hard water has percolated through lime stone , soft water will allow soap to lather , hard water leaves lime scale in you kettle

Hello, I'll try to explain you :)

With the soft water for example you hard wash your soap out from your hands, body etc. And with the hard water you can do it easily and your skin begins to creak! The soft water is in the highest regions like a mountain.
And to say it simple... when the water is soft it easily getting acid and when it's hard - usually is alcal. This is because of the calcium and magnesium carbonate salt which nullify the acids.

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