Coke or pepsi? which do you like more?!


Coke or pepsi? which do you like more?

Mostly pepsi but I really love the new Coke Zero with's sooooo good!!!


I drink like every soda but Pepsi is my favorite


Coke is it!

pepsi is the best.



I like pepsi more just has more flavr. don't think ill change been drinking from child hood and flavr still the same.

Coke especially Cherry

coke, here in mexico is coca cola =)




Cherry Coke Zero is awesome!

i dont drink soda, its sooo gross!

Coke...I once sniffed a line of coke off of a dead hookers was awe.....Wait What? Oh Soda....Well in that case Dr. Pepper. Oh by the way my Attorney said to just void that Coke statement off the record...something about "Incriminating evidence" and jail time.....I have no idea what the hell he's saying have the time..because I'm high on coke.....Oh yeah..sorry......I have not nor will I ever do cocaine....Thats my official statement.

my favorite drink is deit coke, I find that the rest are to sweet. pespi tastse is to sappy for me... If you want to become a diabetic drink lots of pepsi.....It will take u there faster then coke acola.....

I love Pepsi!


coke and pepsi mixed together

Pepsi for me !!!

coke pepsi is too sweet

pepsi with lime for me.

pepsi rocks

I like Coke best

Put the lime in the coconut and shake it up. Coke it is. :)

Neither-Coca Cola and Pepsi make me mad
coming out with flavor extensions and they go away.Coca Cola took away my SURGE.
I stick to Dr.Pepper

Between those 2--Pepsi (wild cherry to be exact); however, Mountain Dew is the BEST!!

I love my Pepsi it's sweet.


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