Can drinking coffee be harmful to your health?!


Can drinking coffee be harmful to your health?

The caffene can dehydrate you, but as long as you keep it under 4 cups a day you should be fine.

yes...too much caffeine can be bad for you. Some say that drinking a cup a day can be good for I guess in moderation it's ok

People tell me it stunts my growth, but i do not think it's that bad. It can't kill you, but it does a number on your teeth.

no....but if u drink like 5-6 cups of coffee then yes.

anything that is over indulged can be...especially if it's caffiene

and if you are wondering if it gives people cancer...just remember practically anything why would coffee matter

no but it makes your teeth yellow and it can dehydrate you

As with anything can be unhealthy. Moderation!

No. I used to drink 20 cups a day, during the nineties. I've cut back to 10 a day, and am not dead yet. The really funny part is that at one point in my life I was a Mormon!

If you drink coffee every day you can become addicted to caffeine and go through withdrawal symptoms when you do not have it. Coffee can also stain you teeth and cause bad breath. Drinking lots of coffee everyday can cause insomnia.

Now...there have been studies done that have shown that moderate amounts of coffee or caffeine can benefit a person, but there has not been thorough research so they won't give any definate statistics on their findings yet.

Extreme intake of coffee may result to caffeine intoxication The symptoms include restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability, irregular or rapid heart beat, and psychomotor agitation.

i am sure that it would depend on the indivual , because each of us are different we respond to addiction differently .
my body over the years has grown to need caffine the element in coffe that makes it taste good , so for me it would take approximately six (6) pots pf coffee where as some one who is less addicted it would only take cups .
so to answer your question yes too much coffee can be un healthy just like too much of any thing can be unhealthy.

Don't know - don't drink it.
I stick to the healthy drinks!!

MT DEW !!!!!

Anything in the quantity can be harmful. Coffee contains caffeine which we try to avoid in sodas. It gets u up to bring u back down. If one cup satisfies u know then u will probably need more sooner or later. It gives u bad breath and stains ur teeth. Not hell healthy at all.

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