How do you purify water without using a water purifier?!


How do you purify water without using a water purifier?

?!?!W.o using a water purifier how do u do it.

Most local tap water can be purified by boiling it for 2 minutes. There are also small tablets that you can buy to put in water you may have collected in a plastic container at camping stores for when all you have is lake water.

Mother of baby who needs purified water to make formula.

you can try boiling it....may alter the taste if u drink it at room temperature....but goes unoticed if you drink it chilled

Try boiling it.It seems 2 work for me all the time

If you don't have a way to boil it you can put 1 tablespoon of regular bleach to 1 gallon of water.
I read this in a leaflet about disasters.

1. Boiling (but not effective in high altitude): Kills most bacteria and viruses.
2. Filtration using chemical additives like chlorine, iodine, chlorine dioxide, etc, unfortunately not great taste
3. UV light (between 240 nm and 290 nm), prevents microbes from reproducing)
4.SODIS -Solar Disinfectant- water placed in clear container in sun for 6 hours, oxygenized by shaking. Radiation/temperature kill microbes
5. solar still...similar mechanisms but slightly different design
Also purification depends on what needs to be purified from the water in terms of microbial organism and trace elements

Unless you are in an area where you know the water to be unsafe, or you have a medical condition that makes your doctor tell you not to drink tap water, there is no reason to 'purify' it. In every western country, public water supplies are treated to make them safe for human consumption. Bottled water is no 'purer' than the tap water in any American or European city.

Someone said to put a tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water, that would be unsafe to drink, but fine to use to clean counters.
In an emergency if you need to purify water for drinking purposes use ONLY two drops of chlorine bleach (Clorox is best as far as taste goes).
Otherwise boiling it as others have said will work too.

You can distill water, but boiling water is by far the fastest and easiest.

boil it

keep putting it in another cup and soon the dirt and gearms will be gone

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