Does Mountain Dew really have a lot of Caffeine in it?!


Does Mountain Dew really have a lot of Caffeine in it?

I was wondering if it did b/c in college everyone is all "Drink mountain dew it keeps you awake when studying!" Is this true? Does it work?

Mountain Dew does contain more caffeine other soft drinks, here's a table for comparison:

12-ounce beveragemilligrams
Red Bull (8.2 oz) 80.0
Jolt 71.2
Pepsi One55.5
Mountain Dew 55.0
Mountain Dew Code Red 55.0
Diet Mountain Dew 55.0
Kick Citrus 54.0
Mellow Yellow 52.8
Surge 51.0
Tab 46.8
Diet Coke 45.6
Shasta Cola 44.4
Shasta Cherry Cola 44.4
Shasta Diet Cola 44.4
RC Cola 43.0
Diet RC 43.0
Dr. Pepper 41.0
Diet Dr. Pepper 41.0
Diet Sunkist Orange 41.0
Mr. Pibb 40.0
Sugar-Free Mr. Pibb 40.0
Red Flash 40.0
Sunkist Orange40.0
Slim-Fast Cappuccino Delight Shake 40.0
Ruby Red 39.0
Big Red38.0
Pepsi-Cola 37.5
Pepsi Twist 37.5
Diet Pepsi Jazz 37.5
Diet Pepsi 36.0
Wild Cherry Pepsi 38.0
Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi 36.0
Diet Pepsi Twist 36.0
Aspen 36.0
Coca-Cola Classic 34.0
Cherry Coke 34.0
Lemon Coke 34.0
Vanilla Coke 34.0
Diet Cherry Coke 34.0
Snapple Flavored Teas (Reg. or Diet) 31.5
Canada Dry Cola 30.0
A&W Creme Soda 29.0
Nestea Sweet Iced Tea26.5
Nestea Unsweetened Iced Tea26.0
Barq's Root Beer 23.0
A&W Diet Creme Soda22.0
Slim-Fast Chocolate Flavors 20.0
Snapple Sweet Tea12.0
Lipton Brisk, All Varieties9
Canada Dry Diet Cola 1.2


it makes your penis shrink

Yes, and it can make you sterile.


Yes it is true that Mountain Dew has ALOT of caffeine in it,about the same amount as four cups or more of coffee. As much as I love Mountain Dew,I really have to watch my intake of it because it does cause me to have heart palpitations sometimes.

I have also heard other people say that they get heart palpitations from Mountain Dew too because of the caffeine content in it. Even though Mountain Dew is very good,it also damages the enamel on your teeth,and can cause cavities just like any other soda pop can.

I still love to have a bottle of Mountain Dew once in awhile,but I wish they would make the glass bottles of pop again,because the plastic bottles don't taste anywhere near as good as the glass bottles did,especially during the summertime!! ;-)

More than a Coke, less than a coffee. Coffee has 115-175 mg caffeine, Mountain Dew has 55.5. (a little bit more than tea 35-50) Red Bull has 80. So i Guess a cup of coffee is still the thing to keep you awake.

the soft drink with the highest amount of caffiene is Minute Maid Orange.

Both Diet & Regular Mountain Dew have 55 grams of caffeine per 12 oz.

a regular (8 oz) cup of drip coffee has 145 grams of caffeine.

By comparison, regular coffee is still much higher in caffeine, but if you drink 1 liter of MT Dew, you're getting a considerable amount of caffeine.

Plus, Dew is just easier on the tummy if you need the caffeine!! Trust me, I know... I'm a college kid too!!!

yes and i used to love to drink it but as i got older it hurts my stomach

To add to what other posters have said....

If you're in Canada, NO. Mountain Dew sold in Canada has no added caffeine. They do sell another product called Dew Fuel that's the same as American Mountain Dew (with caffeine).

It definitely has more caffeine, compared to other carbonated beverages, but not as much as coffee.

coffee has much more per ounce, but Mountain dew is easier to drink in large quantities, as it is lighter on the stomach

Have A Wonderful Day!

It has a lot of caffeine in it and is not a healthy drink.

Personally, when I need that boost of energy - I drink the Xs energy drinks. No sugar - the energy comes from B12 (4900% MDR), the caffeinated versions have as much caffeine as one cup of coffee. Caffeine-free versions are available for those sensitive to caffeine. Also, these contain adaptagenic herbs that sodas and traditional energy drinks don't have. They taste great too!


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