Is it cool to quit drinking coke, or keep it up?!


Is it cool to quit drinking coke, or keep it up?

i know a lot of cool people are quiting drinkning coke.

maybe you would know if you spelled drinking right

quit. brown sodas are bad for you.

? 1. who cares whos "cool?"
2. i've never drank pop. give it up, its not benefitting your health.

no.! itz of ur wish to quit it. but it is more conquit to our body.

I think its cool to be yourself! If ya love drinking soda, & ur thin & healthy, then keep drinking what u enjoy

If u aren't thin & are unhealthy, but still love the taste, try switching to diet. That way, you can still drink what you enjoy & you wont be sacrificing your healthy.

However, if you feel like giving up soda is the best thing for you to do, then go for it!

Whatever you do, you're the one thats gotta live with that choice, so just make sure it makes YOU happy, and not just everyone around you.

be happy, be healthy, be beautiful

Have a wonderful day!

dont do thhing cause it "cool" drinking coke is not good for u it keeps u on the heavy side if u want to look cool drink water, water helps keep u slim and u'll look better and feel better

I've noticed that the swing has been away from sodas all together, in favor of flavored 'waters' like Sobe Life Water, or Glaceau VitaminWater. There will always be people that drink Coke, so go ahead and drink what you enjoy and don't worry about the masses. As a side note: brown sodas aren't worse for you than any other soda.

You mean like Coke the brand as compared to store brands? Personally I care more about price than brand, in the end all soda products are just a artificially concentrated syrups which are purchase by bottling companies which add carbonated water to them.

I wouldn't be surprised to find that most store brands are really Coke products because Coke and Pepsi basically own every drink company imaginable, including the cheap brands, and the just sell the same concentrate to the stores at a bulk cost and the stores bottle their it in their packaging.

In general soft drinks are empty calories and one of the main reasons so many lazy kids are getting fat. I quit my one a day soda habit last year and have lost 15 pounds not doing anything except drinking more green tea and water than pop.

I gave up soda for Lent this year. When I went to have the first soda following the season it did not taste good. I also lost a couple of pounds during Lent because I also gave all chips & all candy along with the soda. All that excess sugar really does put on pounds.

I think one a day is still great. Why give it up if you love it?

if you can stop drinking coke, just stop or just drink less of it. It puts on so much weight you on. As for me, I love coke. I've put on extra pound from drinking it.

I can lose so much weight if i would just stop drinking it, but i love coke!

quit it, man. You will be even cooler, cuz u will be SLIMMER.

stop! It's so bad for you! You might get fat if you keep it up! Easy way to lose a couple pounds=stop drinking soda! =)

good luck! =)

I think it depends on the taste you like.Me I'm a pepsi girl but when I am looking for something else I grab a differnt flavor of another brand. I do not think what you eat,drink,or wear makes you cool or not. Do what you like and be an individual.

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