Is it true about tea?!


Is it true about tea?

i heard that if you drink lots of tea it can help your memory. someone told me that a man was in the news and he drank 10 pints of tea a day and he had the best memory in the world?!
is this true do you reckon?!

Thats a load of rubbish. I drink tea all day and i have a terrible memory.
Tea has some good things in it like antioxidents but to be truthful the best way to drink tea is without milk and sugar. (Yuk)

well if it is true maybe they should make tea with alchohol in it had 10 pints of blackthorn last night and dont remember a thing

probably it is not true, never heard tea has anything to do with memory but no doubt it will refresh your mind and will bring some temporary energy.

Well I drink lots of tea and I have a.......something or other.

Tea is full of anti-oxidants and helps to diminish the amount of free radicals in your body, which accelerate the aging process; so, in theory, yes, drinking tea, especially green tea, can help keeps cells healthy, including brain cells.

Ten cups a day might be a bit much, because of the tannin in tea, but I know people who cannot get through the day if they don't have tea on tap!

It is true that great quantities of tea help your memory ,but the best way to strengthen your memory is to exercises your mind.Only tea cant help you achieve the best memory in the world! Tea has also other benefits ,for example it helps you stay awake and hold your fluids

i think that it's probably not true. i drink a lots of tea ind my memory is not perfect

tea? as what i've known tea and coffee has the same content, which is caffeine. It is a stimulant, maybe that is why he was able to claim that he has a best memory.. just stimulated to be alert.

perhaps it's not true.tea is just has nothing to do with memory after me..

I think that maybe 10 pints of tea is a little excessive. Could you imagine how long he'd spend on the toilet?!

yeah its tru


tea?it doesn't improve your memory but does cause me to have a very bad tummy ache....anyway,if you're looking enhancing edibles,try ginko biloba,i tried a nutrition supplement that contained ginko biloba,and hell,it improved my memory a hell lot,but the effects may vary on different people,go ahead and try,the supplement i used was called Memory Plus exams....its available in SGD$60

more likely he was like that guy that Dustin Hoffman played in Rainman.
If ginseng is added to tea it helps memory a tad.

hang on,just finishing my cuppa............................ now, what was the question

I know if you drink that much tea you would have caffiene nerves. better memory I am not sure but possible because you would be more alert longer.

dont think so...but i know green tea or white have lots of antioxidant which are good for your health..

Sounds like a load of tealeaves to me

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