I've just started drinking a lot of cranberry juice, pro's n con's ?!


I've just started drinking a lot of cranberry juice, pro's n con's ?

im not a particularly healthy person but i've developed a taste for cranberry juice, drinking around a 1litre carton a day, am i doing more harm that good?

Try to find a sugar free variety if you can. It is recommended for urinary infections.

Any berries are rich in anti oxidants which are thought to protect against cancer. They are anti viral and anti bacterial. They are thought to be good for eye health
Contain vitamins c and b3, magnesium, phospherious, beta carotene, folic acid and potassium

VIT B3 regulates metabolism, regulation of blood sugar and mood and nervous system
VIT C good for immune system, cardiovascular health, stress management, repair of skin and healing.
magnesium stress management thyroid function mental clarity absorbtion of calcium into bones, relief of muscle cramp, aids sleep and relaxation.
potassium hyrdration and metabolism regulation
vit a beta carotene immune system, eyes, bones, skin, teeth
folic acid builds antibodies, protein carb digestion converting into energy, prevents anaemia

All looks good to me may start buying it myself.

It's good for your urinary tract - stops you getting cystitis.

Plus it's probably better for you than a litre of coke is!

yer i looove cranberry juice but dont over do it.

Well cranberries are loaded with vitamins (a lot of C) and anti-oxidants. It also helps to acidify your urine, which is good for your urinary tract, helping to "clean" the kidneys to prevent stones and prevent urinary tract infections.

The bad side is that most commercial brands are sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup, a chemically altered frankenfood that is really bad for you, spiking your blood sugar, contributing to obesity. It is something you need to limit your intake of as much as you can. Most commercially produced cranberry juice is mostly sweetener of some kind and water, since the juice is re-hydrated from concentrate since it is cheaper to ship that way.

Try to find a naturally sweetened brand with a limited amount of sweetener, and modify your intake. Drink in moderation and enjoy the benefits, while minimizing the negatives. It is good for you, but too much of almost anything is bad.

its really good for u espscially ur urinary tract.........it will keep ur urinary bladder from infection..........and juice is always good for u .........mind u with ur sugar intake .take care

Can be a bit acidic. OK if that's not a problem.It gives you vitamins and it helps to prevent troubles in the waterworks.Overall I think it does more good than harm.

Cranberry juice cleans out your colon and has lots of vitamins and minerals. Its a lot better than something else, like coke or pepsi.

It is good for urinary tract infections but do not over do it - is it juice, or juice drink you are drinking? Juice has some sugar in it, but juice drink definitely has a lot of sugar and does not contain hundred percent juice.

You do need to be careful of both cranberry and grapefruit juice if you are taking cholesterol tablets as they interact with them. Can cause muscle pains and muscle loss.

Its good. It makes you "regular". I.e. go to toilet to poo-poo more often.

just drink it moderately

I have read that cranberry juice is good for weak bladders, but as it is acidic, I am not sure what it will do to your teeth, unless you rinse your mouth regularly to wash out the acidic taste, also sugar content may have some effect on your metabolism.

Pro: Cranberry juice is good for your kidneys and bladder. It will help keep it the right Ph.

Con: Cranberry juice is high in calories. Look on the back of that bottle and check the serving size. If you are at your ideal weight, it isn't a problem. If you have been gaining and wonder why....this is it.

Cranberry juice is okay but the added sugar is a bit much - you may consider diluting it with some water.

Pure cranberry juice without the sugar is good for you. It helps take toxins out of your system and improves your kidney health. I see nothing wrong with the way you are doing things but stay away from cranberry drinks lots of sugar. I think ocean spray is about the best. it will have some natural sugar but if you get above single digits i would say it was added.

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