My current bf and is ex?!


My current bf and is ex?

ok so im 165 and i have been dating my bf for almost 3 weeks i know not long but it took him about 2 months to ask me out. anyway he has is ex girlfriend who broke up with him to play softball but now that softball is almost over she wants him back.

he told me he doesnt want her back but he is always talking to her and trying to get me to be nice to her and whineing about her not wanting to be his friend because she likes him to much.

idk if i should tell her straight up back up off my man or tell him u cant talk to her or i really just dont know

advice please.... :(

If you're 165 you should have other things on your mind.

No matter what people tell you, you are going to dowhat you want. Take an afternoon and think about it. Weigh each situation and do what your heart tells you to.

Get rid of him. If he is acting like that then he wants her back.....but his pride is at stake. Life is too short to waste on a loser.

this guy you have been sounds too interested in his ex. He needs to get rid of her, and he is the problem for you, not his ex.

Definitely do NOT tell him to stop talking to her because that will probably just make him angry. Tell her to back off because she had her chance to be with him and she didn't take it. Now he's yours and you've got to be strong and stand your ground. Fight for your man! (not physically of course ;-)

What will be will be any way. Thing is do you want to quicken the process to an end you might not like before he knows how he truly feels for you. You don't say how long they were together but if it is any length of time they may still want to be friends. My advice is let it take its course and not try to control him. He may just run. I would ask him what his feelings are for her and that you think it only right that he not see her behind your back. 3 weeks is a short period of time but even i know if i got dumped for a game i wouldn't want to go back to her. Thing is age plays a part in this. If you are young it happens if you are adults then it shouldn't.

Wow, 165 huh? You should have handled this situation enough in your long life to know what to do.

First off, he's not your man until you're married. he can do what the hell he wants, and you telling her to back off will most likely scare him away because this freak chick is trying to put restraints on him. What boy is going to be OK with that? None that aren't *******, that's what. He's lying. He will take her back if she tries hard enough because they have a history together and old feelings die hard. I'm sorry, but the new girlfriend can't compete with the ex-girlfriend in 90% of all cases. Besides that, she broke up with him, not the other way around. You're probably just a rebound relationship anyway.

It sounds to me like he's trying to get her back, even though he says he isn't, otherwise he wouldn't be so concerned with her not talking to him. I wouldn't even waste my time telling the girl off---she can have him. I'd move on to someone who is into you and only you!

Telling her will off only get back to him and he'll resent you for it. She sounds pretty shallow -- dumping someone for softball? Be the better person and just be a good girlfriend to him. Tell him you're not comfortable with the idea of becoming friends with her but you'll back off on the whining for his sake. He may truly want to just be friends with her. If he's trustworthy and truly likes you, he'll realize what he's got. If he's not trustworthy and starts cheating with her or leaves you for her, then he's not worth it and you can find a better man out there worth your time and affection. You deserve a quality man; hope he's it!

DONT TRUST HIM!!!!!!!!! he is a male,,get over it and move on sister!

tell him how you feel my bf is going thew this with her now ex
and tell him it bugs you what she is doing

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