Which is better orange juice or cranberry juice?!


Which is better orange juice or cranberry juice?

i am a everyday coffee drinker, wanna change for juice. which is healthier and less fattning orange or cranberry juice?

cranberry juice will make u pee alot which it de toxicate ur body so go for that

I think orange is better

Cranberry is healthy..good for your body

for vitamin C believe it or not its cranberry juice......

but if you want a real energy blast.... mix equal parts of cranberry juice and grapefruit juice..... very good!

Both are good for you and have healthy benefits. I like to combine the two in one drink sometimes. If you don't like the way that tastes, alternate between the two to switch it up a little.

I would get the fortified orange juice

Orange juice is really good for you but if you drink it more than 1 time a day it could mess with your stomach 'as it has lots of acid to it.cranberry is good also as it cleans out your system as it helps with peeing...you should get both and take turns with them as they both are ;so healthy..,,..,, good luck.

A mix of the two taste better.

I don't like cranberry juice and the only way I like my orange juice is if it has coconut rum. :D

Either is a healthy choice, but Cranberry juice is the healthier of the two.

It contains far more antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Remember that not all juices are created equal. Fresh juice made from raw ingredients is better than anything you can buy off the shelf. Honestly, the same thing applies to coffee. In fact, coffee is an outstanding source of antioxidants and micronutrients-better than most store bought juices-under the perfect conditions. You would need to drink the coffee within 20-minutes of roasting it, to reap the full nutritional benefits.

As with all dietary information consult your doctor. They will probably tell you that variety is the key--and they'd be right.

Cranberry is healthier, but Orange is tastier!

i really don't think one is healthier than the other because of the simple fact one has vitamins that the other doesn't have. If you want to know which one tastes the best hands down in my opinion it's cranberry juice because i like the tartness of it. OJ is good sometimes but my favorite is cranberry.

Both are good. Specially if you make them at home instead of store bought bottles.
Cranberry juice kinda flushes out all the toxic from your body.
Orange juice is a source of vitamin C.

My fave is Cranberry juice as it cleans out your system and OJ is good for it's vitamins if it's not from concentrate.

Both are good for you - neither has fat, but they both have quite a bit of sugar. You could consider switching off between the two.

Cranberry juice is really good for women. But both have lots of sugar. One serving is usually about 4oz.

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