Does frozen coffee stain your teeth the same hot coffee does?!


Does frozen coffee stain your teeth the same hot coffee does?

yes it will, because its the acid in the coffee that is abrasive to your teeth, and then allows the color of the coffee to stain.

however, most people drink frozen or iced coffee drinks thru a straw, which forces the drink to the back of the mouth & has less contact with your teeth, thereby eliminating the liklihood of staining.

basically, any coffee has the potential to stain your teeth, but if you drink any type of coffee thru a straw, you greatly reduce the potential for staining...its true, I asked!


My dentist told me to switch to a straw for coffee-drinking, because he says I have pretty teeth & he didnt want to see me stain them with my coffee addiction! hehehe, he's silly! :o)

That's an interesting question. I've never really thought about it before. I wouldn't imagine it would be as bad as black coffee, considering iced coffee usually has more milk & ice in it that thins the coffee out. But, I don't know for sure

If you are using a straw, it lessens the stain, but it still stains your teeth.

Yes, it's the caffein in coffee that stains your teeth, so whether it's cold or hot, it will still stain your teeth. Tea, which also has caffeine, stains your teeth as well.

i would assume so, it's still coffee. does the frozen coffee not melt in your mouth? It all has to do with how much the actual coffee comes into contact with your teeth...

Any thing that is not a clear liquid will stain your teeth.

yeah because... well actually I don't know why it stains your teeth but it will stain, but I wouldn't worry if it's about a dude or something cause he'll like you the way you are! And plus ice coffee is worth it! :)

Yes, like tea and cola's do.

Ofcourse its just the same as the hot coffee, but if you brush your teeth regularly at least 3 times a day and use other whitening solution I thought that it will do as much damage.!!***

As long as there is the same concentration of coffee to other stuff (milk, etc) it will stain your teeth about the same.

it still stains

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