Skim Milk Vs 1% Milk?!


Skim Milk Vs 1% Milk?

I have been drinking 1% for a long time but im going to try skim .Does Skim Milk taste About the same as 1% Milk?

Pretty close. But what you've been drinking will be "normal" to you, so there might be a little time of adjustment. I grew up on skim, and when I drink whole, it is like drinking cream. A friend grew up on whole and swears skim tastes like water.

It will take a few days to get used to it, but it's not a huge switch. Some people (though not me) like that Skim Plus as well. It's skim with a "whole milk taste", or so they say....Whoever "they" are. :-)

there is very little difference between skim 1% you will notice little change it is not the same as going from whole or even 2% to skim. Also some stores sell 1/2% you might try that then step on the skim. I personally can not tell any difference

I switched from 2% to 1% and then skim. Each change took a little while to get used to (about 1 week) but now i love skim milk. If I were to taste 2% now, I think i would find it way too creamy.

I don't think there's that much difference maybe my tastebuds are dull. I switch between 2%, 1% and non-fat often. Milk does a body good!

Skim has less of the cream taste. I drink only vitamin D milk and stayed at a Marriott hotel and all they had was I tried it and YUK its awful. Unless there is a health issue I wouldn't recommend that skim stuff to no one.

I find that the little bit of fat helps in 1%. I couldn't really get used to skim, but I think it depends what you grew up on. I drank 2% and made the switch to 1% in high school and actually preferred it, but skim is kind of watery for my tastes. I drink soy milk now though, so eh, maybe I'm weird.

skim has almost no nutriments and may be detrimental if your on a diet.

Very close to the same. You may or may not notice the tiny difference.

We drink skim at our house because of health issues. My nutrition book states that 1% can be used in my diet. And, despite what anyone else may say, milk is a good food, even without the milkfat.

it does taste a little more diluted than 1%, but it's higher in protein as well as lower in calories & fat free. Kudos on making the switch!! :)

If you taste skim & cant quite adjust, try starting with 1/2 a glass of 1% & 1/2 a glass of skim... adjust the ratio a little each time until you're drinking 100% skim! That's what my dad did cuz he didnt like switching from 2% to skim. Now we've been drinking skim for so long that we don't even taste the difference!


I don't think there's much of a difference between the two so it really won't be a big adjustment for you. Why don't you buy a pint and taste it before you waste your money on a gallon? I think you'll be fine with the switch!

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