McDonalds has better coffee than Starbucks?!


McDonalds has better coffee than Starbucks?

Sorry starbucks people, I rarely drink coffee and have probably had only 2 or 3 coffees from each place in my lifetime. So far, McDonalds wins.

I believe you are right McDonald's is better. If you like burnt coffee than Starbucks should be your choice.

Not a coffee fan, but Starbucks Hot Chocolate RULES!

i don't know where you are, but in this part of the country they use Seattle's Best brand (it's a 'starbuck's-like' chain). i buy that at the grocery store over starbucks too.

McDonald's coffee is pretty good, I haven't compared yet but now that you mention it I will, I really don't think Starbucks is that great, I love there Carmel Machitao, Iced or hot, but that is all I really drink there. I have been to a lot of different coffee places, and they are always better, even private cute little artsy fartsy ones!! Those are usually the best. My favorite Is carabu coffee! I love the Turtle Frapacino or whatever it is !

Very close but I would have to go with starbucks, more choices.

McDonalds has one of the best coffee! Don't know why but it's delicious and one of the best "get me up" hot drinks. In fact, I can afford to drink more from there than at Starbucks! Try it, you coffee people. You won't regret!

Starbucks bold coffee has gotten me through many LONG days
when I needed a jolt.Mcdonalds is good ,but it is hard to compare the two.Coffee at Starbucks is the business,I mean you get a bold cup of coffee.Mcdonalds doesnt knock me over
like Starbucks.The price is good at Mcdonalds though!

I've worked at Starbucks and at Caribou, and I've had McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts and even the local gas station brand (only when REALLY desperate!!). But I have to say that Starbucks has the best mixed drinks by FAR. But the best hot brewed regular old coffee comes from Caribou; although Starbucks just came out with a coffee that rivals Caribou's Mocha Java & Obsidian--it's called Tanzania-by a bag if you get the chance. It's seasonal so it'll be gone definitely by the end of the summer. Also if you're a coffee connoisseur (like myself) the coffee from this site is PHENOMENAL:

McDonalds serves good ol' Maxwell House Coffee.

yes, by a long shot. I hate starbux

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