What is the Market share of Appy Fizz & under what category this falls into?!
What is the Market share of Appy Fizz & under what category this falls into?
Being new in the market , it has about 5 % of market share. It comes under cold drink category.
Never heard of APPY FIZZ so it sure must noe have very much market share. I have no idea what it is.
i dont like APPY FIZZ .very bad taste.
Dear Kishore,
My name is Shailesh & i work for Haiko SuperMarket. That's why i can give u a brief cut of Appy's Market value. Its a very cool drink to hand on with, but is not accepted by masses neither classes.
As compared with other beverages like pepsico, cococola, tropicana, real or ceres its mkt share is very low infact negligable.
Just to add, It tastes superb.