How effective do you think the warnings are on cigarette packets.?!


How effective do you think the warnings are on cigarette packets.?

they're going to be appearing on alcaholic drinks too but i think it will make very little difference. This isn't the 70's, everyone knows the risks nowadays

Utterly useless - I have been trying to quit for a long time and haven't made it yet.

I suspect that the warnings are there to protect the government by being sued for allowing cigarettes to be sold. The government have a get-out clause, which is - "Don't say we didn't warn you".

Like you buy it read the warning and throw them away.

The warnings are not as strong as the addiction.

I don't think they've made much difference. As you say everyone knows the risks. Maybe it would stop people starting but I've seen those who've been smokers for years laughing and making jokes of the warnings.

I think they're hilarious, they're good to collect LOL

They are not effective, and the last I heard they are planning on scrapping the idea of putting warnings on alcoholic drinks becuase of this very reason - they do not work!!

Zero effective ,if you smoke you already know the health risks. To be honest I don't even notice the heath warnings on my cigarettes now . I can imagine it would be the same if and when they go on alcoholic drinks.

I used to smoke and the warnings made little difference to me cuz i knew what the dangers were anyway. I don't think it will make much difference on the drinks either, you will still have binge drinkers.

The warnings aren't effective at all - people still smoke.

As I sit here puffing away, I guess they're not very effective at all, as a smoker I don't even notice them!

You are right, everyone knows the risks but if they choose to do it a bit of text on the label wont stop them.

I have just been having a discussion with my husband about this. He thinks it will help, but I don't think it will make any difference whatsoever

Are they warnings??? When I smoked, I thought they were like the old football cards and used to swap them with my mates. I nearly had the full set. I only needed "smoking when pregnant can seriously harm your unborn child"!!!!!!

well, i don't think people notice the warnings on ciggys, they just smoke them.

Not effective at all.... they need to start putting pictures of destroyed lungs and livers on there if they want it to have any impact.

I gave up smoking 7 months ago,it had nothing on earth to do with the warnings on packets,it was because I wanted to.

We adults are treated like children,anyone with half a brain knows the risks of using cigarettes and alcohol,but it doesn't deter people,more the opposite.

You know, in time we wont be able to do anything so it will make sense to live dangerously because it wont be worth living.

Not very effective half the folk dont even read them and the other half(mostly chavvy kids I know) cant even read or understand what the warnings are about.

i agree its an addiction not a life choice to most it is the equivalent of putting a health warning on heroine-pointless

A waste of print.

Not effective at all . Everyone who is smoking know the danger of it. It is a gimmick to make the Government happy. They should introduce pictures which shows how smoking kills. and the picture should cover the whole backside of the pack.

That I believe would help.

There are so many "Smoking causes skin to age" is one,
what next smoking caused the formation of the universe??????????

here in the UK, i've only seen written warnings on packets.

In the US and Canada i've seen more graffic pictoral warnings. They have much more of an effect.

At the end of the day though, i don't think they have they influence a smokers decision to buy a packet or not.

Not the slightest bit effective.
I once brought a patient back from theatre after having his leg amputated because of smoking, yes, you guessed it, the first thing he asked for was a cigarette.
Sad, but true.

They aren't nearly as effective as peer pressure, addictive
chemicals added to the already addictive tobacco, and of course, the cigarette companies favorite, using amonia to cure the leaf which free-bases the nicotine.

They love this because it is close to impossible to track, and works two ways: if someone gets used to the free-base, then the company cuts it off, they smoke twice as much to get the kick... and on the other hand, new smokers get instantly addicted to the free-base.

This is what the 1992 law suit against the companies was about, but the public wasn't really told.

The tobacco companies are pretty effing evil. I feel sorry for smokers. But not enough to let them smoke in my house.

Not very... Where I work is full of smokers, who happily continue to smoke their lungs to death, blissfully ignoring these warnings as if they don't exist. A good friend of mine, who has tried to give up lots of times, told me he just switches the part of his brain which deals with cigarette warning off. His need to fulfill his addiction is to great and he succumb to his cravings every time, justifying in his own mind why its OK to smoke!

The warnings are a laugh,
At first people will read them take note,
after a while don't notice them and don't read them,
Why do they bother and now the drinks a waste of time i think

it's for the smokers to lauch and scoff at until they develop terminal cancers.

Not very.I smoked for many years. The packets gave dire warnings of what smoking would do to you and could cause premature death and so on.I completely ignored these warnings as do almost all other smokers.It wasn't until I was rushed into hospital with breathing difficulty and pains that it brought it home to me. Lucky for me my heart was OK but my lungs are impaired by smoking.As I said it wasn't the notices that made me quit. I don't think the notices on wine bottles and beer cans will do any more than the cigarette warnings.People won't take any notice.

They arn't effective at all, you read them once, take it in for a few seconds, but then you still light up. My favorite one say something along the lines of" smoking is addictive, dont start" surely by the time you have bought the cigs its to late?!

Someone, in an earlier answer, mentioned putting pictures of lungs etc on cigs, however i was recently in thailand where they have done this. As with the text warnings; it makes you think but you allready know the risks, you get used to the horrible pictures and end up ignoring them.

I doubt they'll have much of an effect on alcoholoic drinks, it may make everyone think about how much they are drinking for a few days but, I know the dangers of binge drinking yet I was still out consuming vodka until 5am this morning...

Hiya! DUDE. Well buddy "JOE KING" dont 'ave a problem with this. I get all my swag from france you see, and i cant read the lingo on the label. > JK <

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