Coffee fatning???!


Coffee fatning???

Is coffee fatning? and i also heard that it gives u cellulite is that true?

no, if you drink it plain


Coffee has practically no nutritive value, and it has zero fat. By itself, it doesn't contribute to cellulite.

But if you take cream in your coffee, there's some fat. If you take sugar, there's some calories and carbs. Even non-dairy creamers can be high in carbs.

coffee is fattening if you are loading it with cream and sugar, but black coffee is not. Also, from what I have heard is if you rub coffee on cellulite it will make the appearance less noticable.

some say that coffee increases the stress hormone "cortisol," and that hormone causes you to store fat, particularly around your stomach.

Not if you drink it plain. It's the milk and sugar that adds the calories, fat, and cellulite.

It's what you put in it that makes it fattening.
According to the website:

"In the recent Diabetes Care study (2002 Keijzers, GB, et al 25:2, 364-369), it was suggested that caffeine decreased insulin sensitivity even in healthy individuals. In that study, caffeine reduced insulin sensitivity by 15%. It was theorized that the decrease in insulin sensitivity could occur because the drug increases levels of free fatty acids, as well as the hormone epinephrine. Almost a dozen other studies produced similar findings."

So, if caffeine does decrease insulin sensitivity then you could end up getting fat & become Type 2 diabetic.

There was a report in the last week citing the calorie content of some of the specialty coffees avaiable from Starbucks, DD, and others (the double latte smoothie supremes etc.) and the caloric content was sky high. 400+ calories and climbing.

Watch out if you're on a diet!

Want a drug that could lower your risk of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and colon cancer? That could lift your mood and treat headaches? That could lower your risk of cavities?

If it sounds too good to be true, think again.

Coffee, the much maligned but undoubtedly beloved beverage, just made headlines for possibly cutting the risk of the latest disease epidemic, type 2 diabetes. And the real news seems to be that the more you drink, the better.

Also coffee taken black has zero calories.

Dont add too much milk and sugar.
And honestly, you should not drink too much coffee cause from my experience I have seen that when I drink too much coffee I gain weight (I always drink black coffee) and I have my own opinion for it. I am not a physician so don't take my opinion seriously, "this is what I THINK".

I have noticed that coffee gives me a temporary boost of energy but after like2 hours of drinking coffee I feel a little tired (maybe a little more than if I have gone without coffee). So that lack of energy prevents me from being active and have the enthausiasm to workout. That's what I think causes the cellulite and fatning. But try switching to green tea (without sugar). Its healthy and good for your hair, skin and general health.

Coffee has absolutely no fat, no calories, no sugar and essentially has no nutriotionally value whatsoever. This includes flavored coffee but not necessarily lattes or mochas etc. The problem might be with the addition of cream and sugar or the cappicino type drinks which are high in sugar etc.

Coffee isn't...unless you put a lot of sugar in it!

No, coffee is not fatning!!

Not at all. When you drink coffee not to often. And you will not become cellulite. Unless you already have it*G*!

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