Trouble with My Coke Rewards website??!
Trouble with My Coke Rewards website??
Is anyone else having trouble getting the My Coke Rewards website to load? I have not been able to log on at all for a month!! I am accumulating points and I need to enter them!!
From time to time, the site is down for maintenance or has too much traffic.
I have to start the page loading, then go find something to do for about half an hour. It does seem like the links in their emails work better, but it may just be me.
I just set up my coke rewards and all that good stuff. I get a "Free Reward" just for signing up. Well when I click on it to redeem, I get told that the reward is out of inventory. what do you mean out of inventory, send me the coupon or I can print it off... Geez, what a great way to get people to use the stupid system...