How long should you boil tap water to make it safe for drinking?!
How long should you boil tap water to make it safe for drinking?
You should boil it (rolling boil) for at least 1 minute. That's what our town advises when there is a boil water advisory.
If it's boiled, it's boiled. Finito!!
I boil mine until the boiling point and it's fine.
Until you see big bubbles rise.
That means it has been boiled completely and that all germs, bacteria have been killed.
But why do you need to boil water anyway? The municipality pays a huge sum to see that the water is filtered properly.
When I lived in Africa I needed to boil it 20 minutes because it could contain schistosomiasis. Otherwise you just need to bring it to a boil and that will do it. It came from a tap of the public water system but if they ran out of chlorine they just kept pumping into the system.
where do you live that you have to boil water for drinking
Until you see big bubbles rise.
That means it has been boiled completely and that all germs, bacteria have been killed.
After it comes to a boil 3 min.
Tap water from the local water lines is perfectly fine to drink from the tap directly. If you are paranoid, just bring it up to a boil and it is okay.
About 10 mins. to be safe.