Is there a kind of tea that won't make me stay up late if i drink it?!


Is there a kind of tea that won't make me stay up late if i drink it?

I love tea, but if I drink it I'll be up all night. Is there a kind of tea that will give me the same flavor and feel without me being exhausted in the morning apart from decaf?

Chamomile tea is an option. It's supposed to be a soothing tea!

herbal and caffine-free teas.

you should try "the republic of tea" ginsing peppermint. it's pricey, but worth it. it's one of my all-time favs. the ginsing will help, but it won't get you super wired like caffine.

Try herbal teas, like green tea. This will keep you relaxed and won't keep you up late!

Chamomile is my fav, but their are lots of yummy caffeine free herbal teas.

Just drink all caffiene drinks before 11 A.M.- Caffiene kicks' in 7 hours after drinking it. Green tea makes' me feel bright and I'm not running to the bathroom as much, if it is light and taken every one to two hours apart, through the morning.
If you get too much of a reaction from caffiene, check with your doctor about your blood sugar. I have low blood sugar- not diabetes, and caffiene makes the same reaction- tiredness. It is the same as eating a candy bar- this is a quick pick-me-up, but the sugar makes' your energy dive lower than it was in the first place, afterwards. Also, chase any caffiene or sugar drink with a glass of water- as too much sugar will keep your body from absorbing that liquid in the form of water into your system at all! The stomach cannot uptake water that is presented in a sugary form.
Water gives' energy, if taken early in day -(7 A. M. or earlier) and throughout the day.
The non-sugar sweeteners will eventually give you symptoms of multiple schlerosis, and the associated weakness. I put honey in my hot drinks, because it isn't like sugar in that it is better and assimilates in your system more readily, and is calming too. Honey is used as a sleep aide.
Caffiene is good in that it is a brain food- and young mothers need a Tea pick-up at three P. M.!

Sleepytime? Herb Tea

Sleepytime Herb Tea, a comforting blend of chamomile and spearmint, creates a lullaby of tender flavor to soothe your senses. This 100% natural, gentle cup of hot tea lets you curl up under a quilt of flavor and quiet the tensions of your world. The part of your day shared with Sleepytime is like coming home to find a friend waiting for you by the fire. There's no calm like the sigh from the spirit when you take this moment for rest and reflection ... there's no time like Sleepytime.

id say splenda or green tea. =)

herb teas are good. Maybe you could brew some
of the tea you like and some herb tea. Then add a little of the tea you like to give it more of a tea flavor.

South African Rooibos (redbush) tea.

Tastes like Camellia siniensis, but totally safe (it's even kosher under D&C Section 89!).

De-caf tea.

Try an herbal tea.

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