Have you ever had.,?!


Have you ever had.,?

-ICED COFFEE,, did you enjoy it or not.,?
-how long does iced coffee stay fresh in the fridge,.?
-do you add whipped cream with cinamon on top,.?

yes... I DON'T KNOW.....YOU CAN

Yes I'm hooked on Iced Coffee
it won't stay to long in the frige maybe 1-3 hours but put it in the freezer for 30 mins before you drink it.
and Yes you can add whipped cream and cinamon on it
really depends on what you like.

Yeap I like it. It stays fresh and yummy in the fridge for about a day, but still it doesnt taste as good as freshly made. I like whipped cream but no cinnamon.

Yes & it's great in the summertime. Once in a while I make coffee ice cubes to put in it--keeps it from diluting. Try making the cubes and use them in a coffee shake. Put 5 - 6 cubes in a blender, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and about a cup or so of chilled coffee. Blend well and top with whipped cream/topping! Yummm

Yes I do, love iced coffee!

Well I usually drink it all within a day so I don't notice, but I do premake the coffee and leave it in the fridge for the day to save time when I want one.

Also good to have coffee/cappachino ice cream in the freezer as that's great in it.

I also melt icecream down and mix it with crushed coffee beans and then freeze in ice cube trays - sounds weird but nice in your iced coffee.

You can add anything you like to it, I tend not to bother with whipped cream and instead dust cocoa powder over the top.

yes i have.i love it.
if you keep it in an enclosed container like a tupperware picture-indefinetelely.
you can to make a cold version of cappachino,after you pour in your cup/glass.


I've been drinking iced coffee since before you were born. Yes, it stays for a day or so on the fridge. No, I don't add cream -- it has calories.

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