Energy Drinks??? HELP!!!?!


Energy Drinks??? HELP!!!?

HI I just started working two jobs and I have 3 kids, so I need LOTS of energy any recommendations? Whays good out there? and what actually works I tried Red Bull but it definetly doesn'y give me wings. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

i like rockstar u try it its good for keeping me up 24/7

i like amp(my favorite) , ballz, monster.. those are good ones

red line is great, but the 1st time you drink it you can only drink half a can, cos its too potent

if you dont want to go that strong my favorite is full throttle, and sobenergy

It sounds bad, but Cocaine is a good drink. Plenty of energy and caffeine.

I take an energy drink that I get at Walgreens pharmacy that has a guy jogging image. It lasts five hours and no crashes. I work as a produce employee and let me tell you, you need a lot of energy to break down pallets of merchandise and trying to keep up with customers when the vegetable and fruit tables are getting empty. Try it. It might work for you as it does for me. And don't drink coffee, that will only crash, too.

rockstar or monster, whichever is cheaper

also- sobe adrenaline rush, but they are too small : (

Caffeine type products take you up but then you crash. Better to eat small amounts of protein through the day. Ensure drinks are great as well as sunflower seeds,nuts etc.

Party like a rock star!!! I do!! They also have huge ones with lids that screw on and off. The faster you drink the whole thing, the faster and stronger it will work.

Rockstar is great and so is good old faithful Mountain Dew. Do the Dew!! Also Starbucks is like liquid crack for yuppies. Very effective.

if i were you... lots of Gatorade and coffee!

REMEMBER: Energy drinks are bad for a diet and health. Only if your gonna excersise or train vigorously should you drink energy drinks...other wise stay away from them!!!

Energy drinks work on niacin as a trick, LISTEN TO THIS, take a large B-complex with a heavy C compliment cheap 100 for about 7-9 dollars shop around on the web, both are water soluble so one just eliminates what you don't need... Energy drinks are a fad... B vitamins help your pancreas create enzymes that break down foods so you get the most, energy, from what you eat. EAT NO SUGAR. OR CORN SYRUP stay away from processed foods. eat salads deep greens watch the dressing for sugar... vinegar and balsamic is GOOD

once had i a friend (john)who stayed up every night and i thought he sleeps the days. I also had a friend (george) who slept every night all night. Us three were all friends and saw eachother 12 hours per day. how could that be. Wach spun

Red Bull

those are not good for you. it will make your problem worse, because yes, it may work for an hour or two, but after that you will feel very tired.
I have been drinking vitamin water. I have a lot of energy throughout the day. I drink 2 a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.

You seem to be concerned about your health. You should know that most energy drinks can be bad for you since they contain so much caffeine and sugar.

I suggest you check out a new energy drink that is much healthier for you and they don't have all the sugar and caffeine in them. It works in minutes and lasts for hours.

I like to drink them everyday and I really feel good. I found mine at

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