Does diet pop always taste bad?!


Does diet pop always taste bad?

I have heard people say that after drinking diet pop for awhile it begins to taste normal. Is this true? I am thinking of switching over to diet, but it doesn't taste as good.

It will start tasting normal to you after a while.

Most diet drinks out now, taste just like or even better than the regular ones now.

They have never tasted good to me!! Good luck!

i have been drinking diet sodas for so long i don't like regular soda. so yes, i guess it is true. many of my friends hate soda in general, so i can't tell you about them. diet pepsi tastes the best and diet orange and diet cream sodas. try them.

no diet sodas don't always taste bad.

In my opinion, YES..! They all taste rotten.

Diet is so good-you will learn to hate the taste of regular soda bc of the sugar!! Start slow by mixing the 2 and just wean yourself off-it isn't that it tastes bad-your body is just craving the sugar from regular soda.

Diet soda will never taste like regular soda, so if you mean 'tastes like the original' when you say it tastes normal, then no. However, diet soda is really easy to get used to after you started drinking it for a while. For the most part, the problem with diet soda is that you're expecting a super sweet cola or whatever to come out of that can, and the flavor is completely different. You stop noticing the bitterness after a while, and you get used to it.

Have you compared diet A&W root beer to the regular stuff? it tastes fine!

don't let the diet soda go beyond the expiration date, though. it starts getting a funny taste.

I must be a minority here. In the beginning it's fine by me, but then it starts to taste really gross. I don't drink unnatural stuff anymore so all the diets and high fructose sodas are something I don't drink, now both just taste nasty!

I did the same thing a few years back. It did start tasting normal to me, but always had a twinge to it. I started getting those diet drinks with the added flavors and that helped a lot. Like the Dt. Vanilla Coke, or the Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper. Those are great with a little Capt. Morgan's too.
When I stop at a convienence store and make a fountain, I splash just a bit of the regular coke in a full diet coke. It knocks the twinge flavor right out.

All "pop" tastes bad. You should switch to sparkling water with lime.

It won't taste good because it's stripped of it's sugar. But I guess after a while you will get used to it. Just give up pop altogether. Drink water and juice on occasion. You'll feel much better.

depends if you drink regular soda often

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