Does diet coke kill off your bran cells?!


Does diet coke kill off your bran cells?

I always drink diet coke but the other day my friend said it kills of your brain cells is that true?

OK, since you mentioned DIET Coke in particular, I'll give two separate answers.

Diet soft drinks contain Aspertame. Although there is a lot of controversy about the effects of the artificial sweetener, I myself am not taking any chances.
Read here for more information on the Aspertame controversy:

As for soft drinks in general, there are several reasons not to drink them, including (but definitely NOT limited to): erosion of tooth enamel, the phosphoric acid displaces calcium in your bones, higher risk of obesity, higher risk of type 2 diabetes, effects on sleep, noted incidents of benzene -- a carcinogen (cancer-causing) -- contamination, etc.

Read here for more information on the controversy about soft drinks:

HOWEVER, there is no mention anywhere of Diet Coke killing brain cells. With all the risks, though, I don't drink it or any other soft drinks. I drink only water, natural teas, & non-fat milk.

Yes, it does. It's harmfull for ur bones as well.

so not true

I hope not I am sitting here with a bottle of it!! aarghhh

goo goo ga ga

If it does then I wouldnt have any brain cells left! I drink about two to three small bottles of diet coke a day & have done for about five years & it doesnt seem to have affected me in any bad ways at all yet.

It kills bran flakes as well.

not heard that one, but it's a fact that it can effect your bone density... diet coke contains phosphoric acid, which erodes the calcium in your bones....

i drink a lot of diet coke too, but i've been thinking about giving it up for that reason... don't much fancy suffering from osteoporosis when i'm older.

Yes, this is very true. Especially the ones involved in correct spelling.

noooooo dont tell me that... i love a bran and coke of a saturday night

don't know about that, but it must make you fat cos you only see fat people drink it

just eat more all bran, that will surely increase ur bran cells.



if you died of a lack of brain cells the time it took to kill you you would live to be a thousand years old so there no need to worry about it

Fizzy drinks and sugary snacks aren't good. In tests they reduced teens' memory and attention to that of a 70-year-old. Junk food leads to junk mental abilities, according to experiments on rats that struggled in mazes and forgot solutions to previously solved problems.
You are what you eat, and that includes your brain. So what is the ultimate mastermind diet?

YOUR brain is the greediest organ in your body, with some quite specific dietary requirements. So it is hardly surprising that what you eat can affect how you think. If you believe the dietary supplement industry, you could become the next Einstein just by popping the right combination of pills. Look closer, however, and it isn't that simple. The savvy consumer should take talk of brain-boosting diets with a pinch of low-sodium salt. But if it is possible to eat your way to genius, it must surely be worth a try.

First, go to the top of the class by eating breakfast. The brain is best fuelled by a steady supply of glucose, and many studies have shown that skipping breakfast reduces people's performance at school and at work.

But it isn't simply a matter of getting some calories down. According to research published in 2003, kids breakfasting on fizzy drinks and sugary snacks performed at the level of an average 70-year-old in tests of memory and attention. Beans on toast is a far better combination, as Barbara Stewart from the University of Ulster, UK, discovered. Toast alone boosted children's scores on a variety of cognitive tests, but when the tests got tougher, the breakfast with the high-protein beans worked best. Beans are also a good source of fibre, and other research has shown a link between a high-fibre diet and improved cognition. If you can't stomach beans before midday, wholemeal toast with Marmite makes a great alternative. The yeast extract is packed with B vitamins, whose brain-boosting powers have been demonstrated in many studies.

Is this anything to do with Richard Bran Cell...

no but it will clean your toilet bowl

All Coca Cola products are dangerouse they eat your insided's slowly surley you have seen the coke and penny test well just imagine what it's doing to your inside's..Rotting them.

It might, but I don't think so!

Check out this link:

Tee hee. Well I wouldn't drink toilet cleaner!

Everything kills off brain cells/increases the risk of cancer/makes you infertile these days, just try to enjoy the ride.

If you drink too much. Plus you spelt brain wrong, you spelt bran.

yes it is bad for you
it has phosphoric acid which is not good for your bones and it has Splenda in it which is a not good it is a artificial sweetener that is linked to a lot of heath related problems.

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