What was the clear soda with colored balls in it?!
What was the clear soda with colored balls in it?
I was just curious in like 1998 they had a soda that was clear and it had some kind of colored balls in the bottle w/ the soda like you could buy a red, blue, or yellow i think
It's Orbitz soda.
Orbitz comes in such actual flavors as Orange-Vanilla, Raspberry-Citrus, Blueberry-Melon-Strawberry, and Pineapple-Banana-Cherry-Coconu...
I think its a japanese or chinese drink. U pop the top of the bottle & the ball falls right inside.
My daughter was talking to me about this just the other day and it was in fact Orbitz soda.
It Was Called Orbit! And it was great if you didnt get the slimy balls of gellitin in your mouth. If you Did it was SO SO SO NASTY!