How much water are you suposed to drink in one day?!


How much water are you suposed to drink in one day?

I need to know so I can do it.

8 glasses a day preferrably at 10- 12 oz each.

i guess.. its 2l min.!!!!

8 glasses (8 oz. each) are recommended but you need more if you exercise or have other reasons.

At least eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day for all adults, most of whom lose about two to three quarts of water every day. Athletes, people who live or work in hot environments, and people who perspire heavily lose more water and need to drink even more to keep up with the loss.

Drinking fluids helps to maintain your body, which is primarily made up of water. By weight, men are about 60% water and women are about 55% water.

Yet many people are walking around mildly dehydrated simply because thirst is a poor indicator of fluid needs, especially as they age. Mild dehydration can decrease one's energy level and mental functioning and increase stress on the body.

The three rules of thumb when it comes to water are:

-Drink twice as much as it takes to quench your thirst.
-Drink frequently throughout the day to prevent dehydration.
-Drink at least eight glasses daily or one cup for every 20 pounds of body weight. For example, a 150-pound person who does not exercise or work in hot climates needs 7.5 cups.

You can count fruit juices and bottled water in your tally. However, beverages such as coffee or alcohol have a mild diuretic effect, which promotes urination and therefore water loss. Green tea is another way to add fluids, and this beverage is chock-full of phytonutrients that may help lower your risk of developing cancer.

****One way to ensure you have those eight glasses each day is to fill a pitcher with your allotment of water and keep it on your desk at work or on the kitchen table at home. You also can fill eight glasses and place them in a convenient spot out of the way, such as on the kitchen counter or dining room table. Your goal is then clearly marked, and that goal is reached when the pitcher or glasses are empty.

If you are a student, make it a point to take 10 large gulps of water every time you pass a water fountain at school. The best indicator that you're drinking enough water is when your urine is pale yellow to clear. A dark yellow color is a sign your body is dehydrated and is concentrating the urine in an effort to conserve water.

shut the hell up guy you just wrote like 10 paragraphs on how much water to drink in a day.

I believe the best rule of thumb is to try and drink 1/2oz. of water for every pound of bodyweight. For example, if you weigh 160lbs. you would aim for 80oz./day. This is equal to 10 cups. Of course, the more physically active you are, this number will go up a bit to ensure you stay hydrated. Hope this helps!

6-8 8 oz. glasses.... but milk, and juice count too!
sorry coffee and beer do not ! LOL!

They say 8 glasses, but recently this wisdom has been contested.
It seems that the healthy individual will drink the amount she requires without any need to measure anything! The amount you need will vary considerably from time to time, so stating that you need 8 glasses per day is too vague and it doesn't hold any water!

You can drink too much water however. There was alady who died doing just that, last year in the USA.

8 to 12 glasses (200ml each) water we can take per day

8 to 10 glasses but not all at one time cuz u can dron urself by drinkin to much

8 glasses a day

3 bottles

Most recommend 8 (8ounces) per day of liquids. Skip the soda and sugary drinks. Health wise, it's better to drink water.

It depends. If you are:

Fat, then you are suppose to have 4 to 5 glasses a day after regular exercise.

Skinny /fit, than you are suppose to have 3 to 4 glasses a day in the morning and in the afternoon.

There are a lot of water types out there, but the most important one that you are suppose to drink is "Distilled" water because it interacts with your cells better than "Tap" and "Purified" water. And remember, don't drink more than 6 glasses a day because it will weigh your body down, make you sick, or can lead to death. That will happen because your body does not know what to do with the extra water (which causes it to get confused), so it will send it to the lungs and you will pass out and die after at least 5-10 minutes.

8 glasses, each 8 ounces, that's 64 oz. total.

well i try to drink eight glasses of water,sometimes i put a slice of lemon in it

As much as you can !
your body will tell you when it is enough! or when you need more!

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