Tell me the truth about DIET Sodas ! Is there really 0 everything in them?!


Tell me the truth about DIET Sodas ! Is there really 0 everything in them?

I am trying to drop a few pounds. I am 6'2" 220lbs. Will the Soda change help me out? Thanks

Usually they have everything a regular soda has in them, only in much smaller amounts that aren't large enough to list on the label.

There is nothing wrong with diet soda. Yes, they are better than normal sodas because normal sodas are just empty calories, meaning they have no nutritional value whatsoever, and will be sure to pack on pounds. Even fruit juice isn't better than diet soda. Fruit juice may have the world fruit in it, and maybe a little bit of vitamins, but in recent studies fruit juice is linked to obesity, especially in children.

The best thing to drink is water, even though people say skim milk. Water is always the best thing to hydrate your body, and you can even find flavored water that is low calorie or has no calories at all, Crystal Light, for example.

My suggestion would be to read the labels. Make sure there is no calories or sugar. Carbs don't matter as much as people think. Calories are your energy and when you take in too much and burn too little, they are stored as fat.

Try drinking only one diet soda a day, and drinking water for the rest. If you drink too much soda, you run the risk of getting kidney stones! Ouch!

I currently treat myself to diet pepsi, and it's become so delightful to me I dislike regular Pepsi now. There is 0 of everything except for sodium, like most diet sodas.

Reading labels is key!

I'm a nutritionist

If you can't just quit outright, then I suggest switching to diet as an intermediate step on your way to quitting. There are no calories in artificial sweeteners but there are reasons why you should not drink diet soda.

no it does have sugar but it is not alot as the regular soda. but it can help as long as u don't drink alot of it :-)

No, no, no, no. Certainly most have 0 calories but unless you buy on called "Zero" you are getting sodium, caffeine and in some cases carbs.

However, diet sodas and losing weight does not necessarily go hand in hand, the caffeine is a stimulant and stimulants make you hungry, it's a vicious cycle. If you need pop that bad, why not simply cut back (drinking diet, of course) and instead drink lots of water!!!!

Yes, if the label says no calories it's true. They are just flavored and colored water. Definitely, changing from sugared soda to diet will help you lose weight, and be far better for your teeth. But some diet doctors recommend that you don't drink too many diet sodas, either, because they keep you used to sweet tastes. I like Diet Rite because it has Splenda sugar substitute in it instead of aspertame, which I think is unhealthy. If you can learn to drink more water, that's good. Go easy on fruit juices since they are high in calories.

yes they have zero everything but the problem is that your body don't know that, when you drink a diet soda does it still taste sweet? well then your body still recognize it as sugar so even if it does have zero of everything your body doesn't know it.

No. While the soda may not have calories or sugar, there is fructose in them that cannot be broken down into energy. It is then stored as fat in your body. It doesn't matter what the label says. Fructose is a primary ingredient in many sodas. Another problem is how you think. Some people think "0" calorie soda is healthy, which it isn't, so they drink more of it without realizing that they're getting fat. Try carbonated water or a healthy drink instead.

if ur a soda lover, the diet soda is just to help u hav soda. it still has some sugar and some of the other stuff but supposedly less than in regular soda

yes there is really 0 good taste

Look at the label. I drink Diet Pepsi, and it says zero calories and zero carbs. It totally helped me lose weight, since I started on a real diet. Try it.

They aren't 0 everything, they are full of tons of different chemicals, most of which are extremely bad for you. Drink water, it's good for you.

the nutritional labels can't lie, but water is still better for you

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