Orange Juice makes me throw up?!


Orange Juice makes me throw up?

Growing up Orange juice was my favorite drink.. I always felt fine while drinking it and it tastes sooo yummy

then sometime when i was 15 i drank it once and right after i felt sick and threw up.. i thought maybe it was a one time thing.. but then i drank it again.. and i felt like throwing up

im 16 now.. and its still the same way! everytime i drink orange juice i either feel like im going to throw up or DO throw up..

why did this all of a sudden change??

The acidity could be creating the body to have a reaction of throwing up to avoid damage , you may want to try fruit punches that have no sugar. Other acidic juices are lemon, lime, and any citrus really. Blueberry juice has a lower content of acidic properties, as does strawberry peach, mango or watermelon juice. Apple and pineapple might be in the middle but check with a physician, the people here are not trained medical experts.Sweety be careful, You may have to speak to a nutritionist too.

you could be alergic to it now the body changes to things every 7 years. i was not elergic to any thing till i turned 30years old. talk to your doctor.

Did you put vodka in it?

Maybe you've developed acid reflux?
Might wanna check with your doctor the next time you have a check-up!

Not sure of that either.

You may have developed a sensitivity to the acids in the juice. You might try finding some of the low acid versions and see if that helps. You may also have just developed a block about it since it once made you sick. ( I still can't eat donuts since I ate one before an attack of appendicitis.)

maybe you're acidic, like me.....ask your physician about it

Orange juice contains citrus acid which depending on your body can have a negative effect on your stomach. Something that maybe didn't earlier on in your child hood like many other allergies or illnesses.

you may have developed an allergy. quit drinking it.

I think you might be allerigic to it.

1st of all... stop drinking it. Maybe this is happening because you've developed an allergy to it... maybe the acid in it just doesn't jive with your stomach anymore.

Your body sees it as a foreign object & you throwing up is your body's defense. AKA You're allergic. Maybe you can ask your doctor what meds you can take in order to be able to handle OJ. I know it's a hurting thing that you have to be allergic to your favorite drink.

do you drink too much orange juice only? do you drink enough water? if it's not Fresh orange juice from an orange, i think you've got an overload of sugars... or perhaps the acidity is causing an acid reflux (gastric problems). or you just got allergic to something in the juice... so if you haven't drank pure orange juice from the orange, why don't you try it, by itself or mixed with a fruit? if all else fails, ask your doctor :D

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