If you drank your own urine would you die?!


If you drank your own urine would you die?

I've always wondered what I would do if I was stranded on a desert island.

No, you wouldn't. I hear some people drink it for health reasons. If you ever get stranded on a desert island, go ahead and drink it, I would, too.

No you wouldnt die, there are actually people who do this for real...........yukkkkkkk lol

It could because it may poison your blood. You should try to purify it

You wouldn't die, necessarily. There are people who actually drink their own urine purposely, and they aren't even stranded on an island. It's called Urine Therapy. These people believe it will cure anything.

No. many people do this as it is really healthy!!! Great for your skin and aides digestion (apparently!!)

no you wouldn't die. but wouldn't recommend drinking it.
if you are stranded without water the you can drink it but best to distil it first.
get two bottles and join them together at the neck. put the urine in one and heat it up, either in the sun or over a fire. keep the other one cooler by burring it slightly or just covering it. the steam from the heated urine should condense in the second cooler bottle and will be much better to drink.

i think you are really looking for reassurance, as you may have acted rather silly earlier. The answer is no you won't die.

not sure -- lets make a deal -- you do it - and if you die - and we don't see you on here anymore -- we have the correct answer for the next person that asks.

No, some people think it has a cleaning effect on your body,

Actually people have done that to survive. People in the desert have drank camel pee as well. On a deserted island you can set something to catch rain water to drink.

no, some say that urine-especially your own-is good for you and some people do drink it in a bid to keep healthy.

dw, i don't drink it!!! lol :)

eventuly you would, because of all the salts in it, but acctuly it would save your life, it has extra water in it. but if you were to eat poo you would get really sick from ecoli and probably die.

i've heard that it does hurt u because ur urine is body waste u get rid of the waste because its not good for you so if was ok then y would ur body get rid of it in the first place ?

I guess not after all you are still living.

No you would not die, you can actually eat your own $hite once(but only once) and still get nourishment from it down to the food not being properly digested the first time. but remember you can only do it once, any more than that-forget it!! lol

No Cliff Richard does it everyday..lol
You would probably vomit though

You wouldn't die. Your urine is sterile (unlike your solid waste) so it wouldn't poison you or hurt you in that sort of way. However, you can't gain anything from it either and the concentration of salt in it is so great that you would actually make yourself more dehydrated...probably not what you want on a desert island

Not immediately, but you'd probably want to!

You can drink it, I dont know why the hell anyone would. Even if it was purified. But its the best solution if your stung by a Jelly Fish, apparently. You dont see that on Spongebob though do ya!?

you wouldn't die. It would be a better water source than drinking salt water. It's one way to get hydrated if you are on an island

No you wouldnt die but just think about it when you urinate its kind of warm and depending on what kind of day youre have it smells like ammonia.....hahaha but if your on an island and no other options of liquids are availible its highly recommended

you will not die because i saw some person on tv drink some on a science promgram on sky one but it might make you sick a bit

No you wouldn't die.Urine has been historically used for cures. If you see something listing urea as one of the ingredients, guess what that is? :)

no it is sterile when it comes out.

You would not feel very flamboyant!!!! Urine has salt in it,

I don't think it would kill you - just wouldn't taste very nice I think!

You wouldn't die from drinking your urine, but you would die from dehydration if that was all you drank.

Urine is sterile when you pee it out, so it's as clean as any sterile solution, including the stuff you clean contact lenses with. If you got a cut while stranded on your desert island, you could use urine to cleanse it. Appealing, eh? :-) but better than sea water.

But drinking urine is useless for hydration, cause it is full of waste products and there's a reason your body was kicking them out in the first place. Your body actually uses water to digest, and it uses so much trying to deal with the waste products in your urine that you're actually getting more dehydrated by drinking it.

As Barefoot Ben said, you would have to make a solar still to distil your urine into water before it's usable. If you didn't have bottles or tubing, you could make one with only a cup and a piece of plastic, or possibly even big leaves (depending on whether it's really a desert island). You could also distil seawater, or even the moisture from leaves.

No - some people actually enjoy it as they say it cleanses them inside and out.

I have heard that if you only had this as a source of water eventually the body purifies it to near pure water. i'm sure that was on Ray Mears survival tips.

You dirty little devel you .lol !!

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