Does redbull kill?!


Does redbull kill?

I have been hearing llot of things about red bull and its high sugar and caffiene killing people with heart attacks and other non-sense. Is it true?

no but crack does!

it's true, don't drink too much

A real red-bull, like animal might kill you, but Red-Bull the drink, umm, never heard of it as a killer before. Dont always belive rumors.

too much of anything will kill you

maybe red bull helps. but i highly doubt its all red bulls fault.

My friends brother almost had a heart attack from drinking energy drinks. His heart was beating way to fast.

no, it gives you wings.

no but if u drink to much it can really damage ur gums

I was once on pro-plus which is basicaly 50mg of caffeine and i almost crashed my car.

well.... if you think soda kills you, then sure. nothing's good for you in excess, but you will probably be fine having it every once in a while. The sugar's no problem as long as it's not frequent and you balance it out with healthy foods and exercise.

no i drink like 3 redbulls a day and i'm flyinggg...

I hope not! I drink so much of thats stuff!
random articles I found...
A load of Bull in France

FIZZY drink makers were frothing yesterday after European judges ruled France can BAN energy drink Red Bull.

The coffee-loving country says the drink ― which sold 213 million cans in the UK last year ― has too much CAFFEINE.

And a Red Bull insider commented: “It’s pretty rich when you look at the amount of coffee they guzzle.”

The drink has been outlawed in France for ten years. The European Court of Justice yesterday supported their decision because of fears by French health officials.

Norway and Japan restrict sales of Red Bull, which is popular with UK clubbers and is advertised with the line “Red Bull gives you wings”. It also has vitamins, carbohydrates and metabolic transmitters.

But its Austrian manufacturers declared: “It is perfectly safe. There’s no more caffeine in a can of Red Bull than a weak cup of coffee.

“It has been approved by health authorities in over 70 countries and sold throughout Europe for over 15 years.

“Only France has a health issue with our product because they have adopted very restrictive nutrition policies."

RED Bull’s high caffeine content has a stimulating effect on the heart, writes Sun Health Editor Jacqui Thornton.

But long-term excessive use of caffeine can be a factor in high-blood pressure and heart disease. Two men and a woman died in Sweden three years ago after mixing it with vodka.

oh check out this website it's pretty cool...

I have heard its loaded with caffein and has nothing nutritious to offer, but I never heard of anyone dying from it.

could be true. if you have a preexisting heart condition its never a good idea to load up on stimulants. but if youre a normal, healthy individual, it would take more than a few redbulls to kill you.

It might kill you if you drink too much of it.

lol. no!!!
lol. crack kills.
or the plumber crack.
AbOvE tHe InFlUeNcE!!!!

it is not a good idea to have that crap every morning so i would to only drink it when you have too. Try not drink coffee at all drink tea. It catches up to you and my dad is very sick because of caffine. Tea has half the amount of caffine then coffee. Good Luck

"The Swedish National Food Administration (NFA) is heading the investigation, and has issued a public warning, telling people not to take Red Bull mixed with alcohol, or after heavy exercise. "
3 young healthy people died in Swedon because of this so yea it is true =(

Yes I think its true because there was a guy on a football pitch who had three cans and collapsed and was killed so whether thats a coinsidence I still think him having those three cans of the stuff did something.

All energy drinks can give you a heart attack and it can throw your body off of it's routine, and yes i think they are very bad for you.

McDonalds probably kills more, but you don't see Americans giving up their Big Macs....

the only people who have had the heart attacks was because they drank like four within one hour and that's why they died. in some places its banned in europe because of that. if you drink it just don't be stupid and drink like four in a couple of hours. also before you drink one eat something, put something in your stomach, otherwise it will mess up your stomach. it also can dehydrate you so drink water. it has a lot of caffeine in it so it will weaken your brain but any caffeine does that with your brain. so... be safe:)

Part of it is true.
Most energy drinks contains a lot of caffeine, which if you drank to much and you haven't have any food in your system it will guarantee you to get very very sick.
My younger sister drank one of them and her heart beat went sky rocket to 132, she was admitted to hospital because her school nurse thought that she is having a heart attack.
Recently also, there has been talk that scientist found out some energy drink are harmful to you if you have a heart condition, or blodd pressure irregularity. Also, they have found that the ingredients can alter your DNA, now, that is F*&^ up!
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are going to require all of these energy drink and sodas with high caffeine ingredients to list that "The beverage may be dangerous to your health if you have an existing illness, or can cause alteration in your DNA."

I don't know but my friend also told me that they put bull testicles and whatnot into it. :|

no it actually raises your chances of being horny so if your wife or girlfriend wants to have sex drink some red bull and you get horny all the way

Only if you drink an excess amount.

But yes, it can potentially kill you.

only if you drink lots of it and nothing else.

I was a restaurant manager and several years ago on a big long day (Mother's Day) one of my servers drank 4 red bulls within a half hour of each other, and a bit later he passed out and had to be driven to the doctor (he was fine). Come to find out it was the Red Bulls along with working hard, but one can't hurt you, just drink in moderation.

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