Caffine withdraw??!


Caffine withdraw??

I switched to decaffinated coffee starting yesterday morning and have had headaches since. Are the headaches from the withdraw of caffine? I tend to drink about 2 cups in the morning and maybe 1 or 2 after dinner. I thought switching to decaffinated would be a piece of cake and I'd never notice. My husband does not know I made the switch and he had a headache as well yesterday. Any thoughts?

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2 weeks ago
OK, thanks for the info so far...I am still going cold turkey. Today's headache was not nearly as bad as yesterdays and I can only hope it just gets better with time, thanks!

2 weeks ago
OK, thanks for the info so far...I am still going cold turkey. Today's headache was not nearly as bad as yesterdays and I can only hope it just gets better with time, thanks!

omg, yes, caffine is an awlful thing to withdraw from. you have to wean yourself off of them or you will get the worst headaches in the world. good luck , just cut down DO NOT GO COLD TURKEY!!!

Yes, you are probably getting headaches from not having caffeine. You might want to try going half caf before decaf to ween yourself off of the caffeine. Hope this helps! Good luck!

caffiene withdrawl certainly can cause side effects, such as headaches, fatigue, lack of concentration. All of that should pass pretty quickly, in about a week.

That's very likely, I've had the same situation happen to me when my doctor ordered me to lower my cafeine intake as much as possible. What I suggest you do is take it easy on yourself until your system has a chance to adjust to caffeine withdrawl, this should take two or three weeks at the most.

I gived up on Caffiene Years ago, and I turned out Fine.

Definantly, that's it. I had the same problem. I used to drink coke everyday, and then I stopped cold turkey and i got HORRIBLE headaches. There is a better way to stop. Instead of just stopping drinking caffiene altogether, try weaning yourself off of it. Have little sips each day or whenever you get a headache. Drink less and less everyday. it worked very well for me.

Yes you are having takes about a week to detox...I would just take asprin everyday until you get on your limited intake

Yup, withdrawal. It should take a week or two.

That sounds like caffine withdrawl. Take some advil or tylonol, most asprins or acetemetifins have a small dose of caffine in them and will deffinatly help you with the headaches. check the lables to find recomended dose and how much caffine are in them.

Try coca tea, read the reviews first!
it really helps

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