What is the color or a dr pepper can? is it more red or more purple?!
What is the color or a dr pepper can? is it more red or more purple?
me and my friend have been arguing about this for awhile now and i want her to see that it is infact red
Red. ?
red for sure! is your friend color blind?? LOL
It's more red than purple, but I guess it could have a slight, and I mean slight, purple tinge
I just went to the fridge and looked!
Red...hardly purple, but there is a little purple hue in there.
I hope that you bet the farm on this one because I think that you won!!!! Since the coloring comes from something that they won't totally divulge to us (after all, must keep some industrial secrets--ever found the recipe for Coca Cola?) I believe that the carmel coloring adds most of that reddish tint to it. Take care and HAPPY DRINKING!!!!!
Totally RED!!
It is more red than purple.
To be exact you are both wrong It is maroon
2 tell u the truth it is more of the both of them because u need red and purple to make burgundy but if your using paint u need more red then purple so it can be more of the both of them depending on how dark or light burgundy u want but if your talking about a Dr pepper can i say it's more red then purple
it's more purple
RED! (not like fire engine but its not purple!)
maroonish burgundy!!!
Original Dr. Pepper is more red (a burgendy colour) anf the Dr. Pepper Berries and Cream can is purple.
Red. It's never been purple. It's kind of a dark red. Almost a maroon red.