Are there actually any people out there who dont smoke or drink?!


Are there actually any people out there who dont smoke or drink?

i dont either but i wanted to know ,if so, how do you stay away from temptations?

I don't drink OR smoke! I have no interest in either, so there's really no problem with temptations. My friends dont drink or smoke either & my parents taught me early to be responsible & how to act like an adult, so I never had to really deal with people trying to persuade me to drink or smoke. Even if they did try, I'd just say I wasn't interested.


Neither one are tempting to me. Alcohol tastes awful and smoking is stupid. Never had the urge for either.

yes there r not all ppl want the same thing

I don't drink anymore and I have never smoked. If either one is tempting to you try not to put yourself in situations where you will be tempted.

To me, both of those are indeed bad habits, so I don't do any of them. Secondly, I have enough problems with my health as it is. So I don't need to risk making things worse for myself.


I don't do either. I used to smoke but I got tired of being a slave to a terrible addiction and I felt manipulated by tobacco companies, so I used the patch and I haven't smoked for a year and a half and I never will again. I don't like alcohol because I like to be in control of myself and the thought of what alcohol is just seems very unnatural to consume stuff that's rotten and has become, literally, a poison. I am very lucky to have a husband who feels the same way. People do always wonder what is wrong with us, though, when we say we don't want a beer or a glass of wine. They always want to know if we're religious (no) or if we're recovering (no). Drunk people, and smokers, too, are annoying.

i dont! the smell of alchohol makes me wanna puke and i have no desire to fil my lungs with smoke


I simply don't touch those. If it happens that I'm at a party with those, I simply have it in my hand a glass of alcohol and toast it at the plant vase or I sneak to the washroom and pour it in the sink. Problem solved! To say no thanks to a smoke is not a big deal.

I don't, I just don't get any enjoyment from it, they're expensive habits, and just not good for ya.

I don't drink or smoke. Smoking stinks! I'm not really tempted by either. I you are try having virgin drinks, that way you fit in.

I don't do either, and if I'm ever tempted to then I just remind myself of what kind of mess I'd be getting into if I started.

I do not smoke or drink. I never liked the taste of alcohol, and am allergic to cigarette smoke. So I guess I never had much in the way of temptation. However, my suggestion to avoid temptation would be to surround yourself with people who do not drink or smoke. With those people, you can find something else to do that won't involve drinking or smoking.

I don't smoke or drink. I just have others around me that don't drink or smoke either.So the temptation is not there. Find activities that is prohibitive to either.

I dont. But I wat too much fat and sugar. So I dont knwo about staying away from temptations.

I don't smoke or drink and I don't plan to I'm only 12 but I know they both cause bad things and its against my religion(mormon or LDS -one and the same)

I don't smoke...GROSS! I don't drink...YUCK! I've never tried a cigarette and even though I drank in college, I quickly grew tired of it. It's expensive and I don't like feeling out of control.

The best way to stay away from temptations is to surround yourself with others who feel the way you you can see from other posters, a lot of people don't drink or smoke! You are not alone!

Stay healthy and strong! Good luck! :)

I don't do either. i think they r both nasty

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