Is sparkling mineral water good or bad for you?!


Is sparkling mineral water good or bad for you?

Does it have any benefits for health? When should it not be taken? I think I'm right in saying it's not really water, it's carbonic acid.

No special benefits.
Any sparkling (carbonated) drink will erode the enamel on your teeth if you drink it frequently, including sparkling water.

I'm a dental hygienist

It's just water with CO2 bubbles in it. Apart from making you burp I don't see that it would have any adverse effects.

It makes for strange burps. Like the bubbles are still there when i burp the air up. I prefer Coca Cola for the purpose of both burping and refreshment. For the rest i stick with Highland Spring. And I couldn't care less it has lost its 'mineral water' status

i think its more refreshing than still water.
it shouldnt be taken it you dont want the chance of burping.
its just water with bubbles.

its bad for your stomach

Sparkling mineral water is ok and far better for you than any of the traditional soft drinks. Stir clear of flavoured water though. Many contain aspartame which is 100 times sweeter than sugar. Added to coca cola etc. Very controversial. The US Airforce actually advise their own pilots to steer clear of many of the fizzy soft drinks as the aspartame slows the brain.

I drink Vitamin water and that is really good for you. It has all kinda of vitamins and minerals. You should try that.

i think it must be ok, can't see how it can be bad for you. i drink loads of it and buy the cheap tesco or asda ones. great value only 17p for 2 litres, if it goes flat you can water the house plants with it.

when ever
No it 'is" water and carbonated with CO2

BUT not carbonic acid - -
car・bon・ic acid
A weak, unstable acid, H2CO3, present in solutions of carbon dioxide in water.

OK so mineral water has some stuff in it, but it is still water and your system loves water.So drink up.

I love fizzy water, far more refreshing than still - which i like as well...BUT

Appollonia is right - any carbonated drink - whether it has sugar or not, if drunk regularly, plays havoc with the protective enamel on your teeth. It erodes it away and allows all sorts of mischievous yukky things to get to the core of your gnashers.

As least you won't get drunk on sparkling mineral water which means no hangover the next day. So in that sense it is better but seriously it is just gassy water which makes you bloated and burp and fart.

ha good question!
i know fizzy drinks erode your teeth !!
so i stick to drinking turps.

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