Coffee Haters!?!


Coffee Haters!?

i drink coffee, luv it. my friends don't, and they chatise me cuz they don't. it's like i'm doing drugs they critizise me so much. y?

I agree with the Sammy chick..Sharon and Squely are RUDE. Anyways, I think your friends critisize you about your "coffee habit" because it can get addicting. It makes you hyper, dehydrated, and a bit kooky. Well, mostly to people sensitive to caffeine. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who don't get the side effects such as: trouble sleeping. LOL I say forget the haters and drink away. You are not hurting yourself or anyone as long as it is not in excess. Moderation is the key to happiness. :)

maybe because you're a kid and you get wrapped up in silly useless crap such as this.

your spelling is horrible.

maybe your friends blame coffee for your misuse of the english language.

try reading a book every now and then.

have a nice day.

I don't know why they would critisize you for drinking Coffee lol..

My goodness if it isn't one thing it's another..

Your friends need to grow up...

I ABSOLUTELY hate coffee but most of my friends drink what I like COKE and not Dr. friends dont hate me for that..

******SHARON he didn't ask you "HOw is my spelling" so why would you make it a point to be rude about that? ******** OMG And you didn't capitalize the first letter in every sentence SHARON!!! The world is coming to an END>

because of the caffeine and acidity, i guess... it is 4 times worse than normal black tea... for your health sake... i like coffee too, but rarely drink it and discourage frequent drinks of it too... moderation is the key... but i guess i would love someone to drink coffee rather than alcoholic drinks :)

nothing wrong love the3 caffine but drama no good lol

Oh Well. Everyone has crutch or vise.

you love coffee while your friends don't.So? To each his own, don't change what you like just because of your friends ,keep to coffee,try changing friends if that's possible.

Because they're critical of you? I don't know why it really matters, unless they notice you're drinking way too much coffee and are worried that you might do some damage.

There is nothing wrong with coffee!! It's not like if you are an alcoholic. They need to get themselves a life.

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