Is either spring water or mineral water that is healthier to drink?!


Is either spring water or mineral water that is healthier to drink?

Spring water is better. Many of the mineral water drinks are from distilled (boiled) water with/without additives -- yuk, these don't taste great to me.

The words "spring" and "mineral" are defined differently in different countries.

Spring water is collected directly from the spring where it arises from the ground and must be bottled at the source.

In some countries they will sell "Mineral Springs Water" others have "Soda Springs".

Mineral water emerges from under the ground, then flows over rocks before it's collected, resulting in a higher content of various minerals. Unlike spring water, it can't be treated except to remove grit and dirt.

In Europe they have tried to standardize upon the definitions and cap colors for "still water", "water with gas", ...

My preference is spring water which is based upon taste rather than parts per million (ppm) of additional materials.


Spring. Mineral has minerals in it, and minerals are what cause kidney stones.

i'd say spring, b/c its all natural.

Spring water is far better for you

Not necessarily! Because spring/well/creek water maybe contaminated with animal waste or parasites!!! Well mineral water can cause kidney stones!Try drinking purified water....It is probably the best choice!

My son sells water purifiers and I think tap water is best, it has minerals and floride and such in it, but for your question, I would think mineral for the same reason at least it has minerals instead of nothing.

They are both good, because they are both water. Neither one is good or bad it really depends on what people prefer to drink.

Spring water has minerals in it also.

You should check the mineral content of the water you drink if you want a more precise answer about mineral content in water.

Spring water is best and would contain minerals also but wouldn't have added amounts such as mineral water . Some tap water actually contains more minerals than advertised bottled mineral water. The site below has a description of all the different types of water available and can provide additional information.

mineral water it has minerals in it duh

I think Mineral but not sure..

Neither spring water nor mineral water has any health benifits over ordinary water from your kitchen sink.

There is ZERO scientific evidence bottled water has any benefit to consume other than for Taste. The fact is those plastic bottles of water have MORE contaminants in them than city water. The plastic itself releases minute amounts of the plastic polmer that makes up the bottle right into the water and YOU drink down that polmer.

I work for a company that blow molds plastic bottles which are then used in various ways including some of the fancy names that one sees on Water in store. Why in the world people think bottled water is healthier or safer is just beyond immagination, especially since we test bottles and the tests show otherwise. Please remember, next time you buy a bottled product in a plastic bottle, you are for sure consuming some of the plastic that the bottle is made out of.
Sorry to be the giver of sad news, but that is how it is.

spring water is not treated or filtered. so enjoy your bacteria.

Actually to tell you the truth, tap water is better than bottled water. Why? Tap water contains minerals that a bottled water doesn't have. However if the pipe in which the tap water comes from is leaded, it is not healthy. Make sure the water is not leaded.

depends i prefer spring cause mineral has that weird taste. but if u like mineral and you care about which water is healthier then ur a weirdo! who cares water is water. but listen to the guy up top he sounds sooooooooooo smart knowing about the different kinds of water hmp!

Mineral water

boild tap water left to cool is the best water you can get and its free.....the bottled water has additives in such as sugar, salt and beleve it or not they have preservatives..

hope that helps..

between spring water and mineral water, i would prefer spring water...but hey, it's hard to find the real thing... but most say that it's better to dring normal water because you all the minerals your body need is already available in the food you eat... remember too much of anything may be harmful and even toxic to the body.

Water is water. Mineral water has minerals in it, which all water has naturally, to some degree. It depends on where the water is coming from.

You must be careful about bottled water. Tap water in most areas is perfectly wonderful and clean. Where the bottled water comes from varies, but the industry of bottled water has made a very negative impact on the environment in areas where it is done. The Tampa area in Florida is one example. The land above is literally caving in because the water in the underground aquifer is being depleted faster that it is replenished.

Anyway, the answer to your question is this; tap water in most areas is just as good as anything else. I drink tap water and use a Brita water filter, and it is great. Because I live in Florida, I know my water comes from the Floridian aquifer, which is precisely where a large selection of bottled water comes from. Bottled water is really just (most of the time) water pumped up from underground (in essence, “tap water”) and filtered and sometimes other stuff is added to it for flavor. That’s it.

I think nice cold toilet water is the best.

In answer to your question, I must digress. In this day and age, in the here and now, knowing just HOW precious water is, I would much rather worry about how we could possibly conserve this life-sustaining resource rather than worry about what container it may be available in. Truly my friend, the day may come when you may just have to drink "recycled" water. The tragic thing is, so MANY countries don't even have the luxury of it being filtered. Please treasure every drop!!

spring water is the best cause its natural and everyone knows natural is better than artificial.

Spring and mineral water don't differ much;
Actually, spring water is mineral water- mineral water is water with minerals "dissolved" in it, and spring water rarely lacks of minerals- if it's the water in stores that you mean- well that's carbonated (That's why it makes bubbles), but the only thing not really heathy in it is that it has been processed mechanically and treated with some chemicals. If there's a spring near your house and there's been no poisoning in the area, it's not a bad idea to get drinking water from it. Store water doesn't do any harm usually, though.
And both are better than tap water.

Spring definitely. Mineral ones often extract essential natural elements in the name of purification. Not so good in the long run as we need to build our own antibodies naturally. With mineral, we r more susceptible if we move out to some other place and happen to drink that water.

mineral water...........

spring water is better for you

Boy there sure are a lot of opinionated people here on the subject of H2O. First of all, to dispell some myths....

1. Water is not what causes kidney stones. There are different types of stones that form for different reasons. Some form from calcium, which is a mineral not often found in water, but which is also something your body needs. Go ahead and try to boycott calcium and see how long you can go without losing teeth or breaking bones.

2. Getting plastic from the containers... while I'm sure a few parts per million are going to be plastic, you could make this argument about literally anything. I drink soda pop out of an aluminum can. I wonder how much dust and even traces of aluminum I'm getting! WHO CARES?! And to say that tap water is better - no. Tap water is usually fine, and cities treat tap water - but you're also running tap water through miles of copper and plastic pipes, some of which may even be corroded. So while it's virtually the same as drinking bottled water, it is NOT better for you.

ANSWER: go with bottled, distilled water if you're really worried about getting the healthiest water. While Captain Plastic will tell you you're getting bottle plastic in your diet, it doesn't really matter, and you're getting the purest water available. If you're going for taste, try a brand called 'Fiji' which is bottled in the island nation of Fiji, and which has some minerals in it, and tastes clean and nice.

I think can n't true in you

Mineral Water
is healthier to drink.

If your tap water is good drink that u get the floride

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