Do people drink coffee / hot tea to quench their thirst?!


Do people drink coffee / hot tea to quench their thirst?

if not, how do they quench their thirst? do they drink water, soda, etc? Thanks!

Well it is interesting, that in the desert people actually drink tea and coffee, because both are warm, they build up a higher internal temperature, which lowers the ratio external-internal temperature and therefor quenches the thirst. For the rest of the world it is the other side around, besides coffee contains diuretics so it can not actually quench ones thirst

i drink water to quench my thrist.

I drink Water to quench my thirst, Tea is for pleasure ~ water is for thirst...No coffee please

Neither quenches my thirst, I am addicted to Coca Cola. I drink coffee in the mornings just for the taste, not for thirst quenching. But I think it depends on the person, because my granmother drinks coffee every day, all day, so I can only assume that it does quench her thirst. Then again, she does always say her mouth is dry.

No not most people. if ur really thirsty why would u drink hot stuff? That doesn't do anything for ur thirst.

OH YEAH, I'll just go down a scalding cup of coffee to quench my thirst!!

I drink water to quench my thirst(or in the summer) Iced Tea(own brand). But coffee and hot tea are stimulants and I use coffee to keep awake. Tea is for pleasure alone. A cookie, a slice of lemon......mmmmmmm..... Almost like the Calgon commercial.

i drink juice to quench my thirst, maybe water.
but yes, for some people coffee/tea is to quench thier thirst or it could just be for plain pleasure.

tea definitely i tried it just now. i was so thirsty that i had a cup of cofee and then i waited and i was still thirsty so had a cup of tea and my thirst gone yippee. bye got to go to the loo ha ha

I work outside and mostly drink water to quench my thirst. On really hot days, hot black tea is perfect for quenching thirst.

If I've kept myself well hydrated, a cold beer at the end of the day can be very thirst quenching.

I drink hot coffee/tea to enjoy on cold days. I do enjoy iced coffee/tea to quench my thirst, but I ususally drink water to quench my thirst and try to stay away from the caffeine.

To me, it doesn't. I like water, or apple juice.

tea is the best way to quench thirst

Drink water to quench your thirst.

That depends on the person, but drinking tea, coffee or soda pop only make u thirster. Water quenches the thirst! Even perhaps energy drinks might quench the thirst also.

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