Coca~Cola or Pepsi?!
Coca~Cola or Pepsi?
Pepsi, its what i was raised on, but everyone is different
chuck norris!!
coke by far
Pepsi because of it's taste and their business smarts.....
Diet Coke - Pepsi is too sweet for me.
Either one if there is a shot of captain before it.
coke in a can.. but pepsi in a fountain cup from restaurants. I'm weird
Pepsi is by far the best cold drink of choice. It is more refreshing and less acidy than coke
Iced tea no sugar.
niether, they will kill you
No competition. Pepsi
coke.the now gal of my ex works for pepsi and i hate pepsi and it's products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Pepsi... after all they made mountain dew! mmm
CAN of COKE fo sho
They will both eat the battery acid on your car battery posts the same!
Coke! Not the sweet watered down version of it! ;-)=
Coke! Well, Diet Coke for me. Pepsi's stuff is too sweet!
Why the ORIGINAL cola of course!! COKE from start to finish is by far the best cola on the market. Always was the best, and will always be the best!! If you want to drink a cola then drink the real thing, not that imitation stuff!
Pepsi products. Don't really care for Pepsi itself.
Theres rola cola coca cola pepsi cola! They are all made by the same company. Rola cola and pepsi cola have lost popularity....It's ok with me....keep drinking coke.
None of them, shift to water or juice, for your stomach health :)