If you drink 100 ounces of water everyday, is that harmful?!


If you drink 100 ounces of water everyday, is that harmful?

That totally depends on your weight. You should drink 1 oz for every two pounds you weigh. So if you're over 200 pounds, then no, if you're under it's probably excessive unless you are losing a lot of water through sweat during a workout.

Also remember that water to weight ratio is for ALL water, and a lot of foods and other beverages contain water, especially fruits & veggies and things like soup. The 8 glasses of water thing really isn't accurate because it doesn't take your weight or other sources of fluids into consideration.

Don't wait to drink until you're thirsty otherwise you'll get dehydrated, but don't force water down your throat either to try to meet some quota. We need salt in our bodies too, badly, and drinking too much water dilutes that. So if you're under 200 pounds you should lay off a little, but if you weigh more like 225 you're probably fine.

no, it is very good for you (assuming you are drinking good water)

no, it's good for you!

No you are supposed to drink 80 to like 120 ounces of water each day, and it is fine, as long as you kinda do something you know like excercise. Dont be a lazy ***.

I do not think that is harmful but will use the bathroom more often than before.

no you just have to spend alot of time in the bathroom.

It's good. Just don't drink it all at once...you can get water intoxication (water poisoning).

it could be...if u dont pee then u can get brain damange.

make sure the water has no bad chemicals in it.get a water filter

No, they recommend that you drink 6-8 glasses of water daily for optimum health. I assume the glass is a 6-8 ounce glass so that's 75 oz...so 100 would not hurt you unless you have an underlying medical condition that prohibits you from doing so.

that would be about 12 and a half 8oz. glasses of water, and it is recommended that people drink 8 - 8oz glasses a day, so no..

people who would drink that much in a day are most likely trying to detox their system. too much more is harmful, and could kill, but 100oz, I'm going to have to say it's not harmful.

It's not how much water you drink, it's how fast you drink it. Healthy recommended water intake is 8 - 10 8oz glasses a day. If you drink a lot of water very fast, especially while exersising, there is a danger of water intoxication, which is not common, but nonetheless dangerous.


Anything can be harmful if too much of it is taken. During a college fraternity hazing incident a young man had to be sent to the hospital because he drank too much water. Of course in this case it was a lot of water in a short time.

As long as you don't try to burst your stomach with the water and space it out over the day then you are okay. Of course you might have to go to the bathroom more often.

I have a disability and have to take medication every day. One side effect of these medications is that they dehydrate me. The body's waste system is the last on the list of priorities for getting the amount of water that the body needs. So to avoid problems down under I have to make sure I take a lot of water every day. I don't reach your level, but I have drunk 90 ounces of water on a hot summer day. I needed that much water. I have told doctors how much water I like to take and they support me so I think you are safe.

I once heard of a diet plan where you drink more water each day. The idea is that it will soothe the stomach urges making you feel full. There are some problems with that and when I need to eat something no amount of water is going to change that. However, it is a safe plan.

No it's not.

Make sure to drink filtered, purified, or bottled water. Don't drink tap water anywhere. Most of it's gross tasting nowdays anyhow.

It'll cause you to use the bathroom more often is about all. Don't hold it too long either. Water intoxication can cause death. There was a woman who died just recently on a radio contest to win a Wii. She had to drink a bunch of water in 2 hours & not pee. Poor lady died because of this. It was in the news too, not sure if nationally or not. Anyhow just pee more often is all.

of course not! its good for ya!

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