Question about the drink called: "REDBULL" details below?!


Question about the drink called: "REDBULL" details below?

on the can of redbull, it says not to exceed more then 2 cans of redbull a day, what will happen if i drink 3 a day?

am not sure exactly but i read an article that said ppl mix drinks like redbull with wine or so as it contains something like the cafaine so they won't get drunk from drinking wine and they can drive safely, the redbull is said to give energy but the truth that its content is full of things like cafaine that makes u alert but not really giving you the claimed eneregy. That's what i read on an article on realage site, you can check for more details there


you'll get diarhea like i did geez just talking about it makes me puke i've tried it lol all my fault for doing that

you can an overflow of like those minerals and energy vitamins. very unhealthy for your kidney/liver. they start working overdrive and you can possibly kill them

its just like soda too much caffine. it will make u go crazy and then your head will hurt.

It may be cause its high in caffine - I had a night of Yagerbombs- not non alcohol but 1/2 red bull 1/2 Yager. The next day I could taste red bull for hours!

I had a co-worker that was drinking 4 cans a day he was fine for awhile then he got a kidney stone but, I guess if you drank more then just Redbull all the time that would be fine.

You get sick, too much junk in that drink, its not good for you period! Don't drink it all, try eatting right and you won't need an energy drink, plus getting sleep at night

You end up very uncomfortable.

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