How do I make a good cup of tea?!


How do I make a good cup of tea?

Everything I make just tastes like water with a nice smell. So how do I make a good cup of tea?

What I do is pretty basic. Put a teabag -or three- in a mug, boil some water, and pour the water in to the cup. Wait about five minutes, then take the teabag ut and drink it. Yet I never taste anything while tea I drink at my friends' houses and other places has some taste to it.

I know loose leaf tea is supposed to be better, but I don't feel like making it by the pot, and it's expensive, so leave that out.

pour the hot water on the tea leaves . leave them together to produce the unforgettable taste for few minutes.

don't squeez the bag it makes the tea bitter.
warm the cup b4 adding water

Here's a much easier way. Take one tea bag, I use Lipton, and put it in an empty cup. Run some hot water over it. Then put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. Take it out, lift the string of the tea bag and sway from left to right a few times, the take it out. Put in your sugar or honey.........and you're done.

I heard that you shoud stop the water just before it boils, so dont let it boil get it just before it does, and it actually makes a difference. You could also change the brand of tea you have, Dilmah is good.

You could start by adding sugar or milk, or honey AND milk (good combination). Also, you could try different tea flavors. Go to a specialty food store or a coffee shop and look at the variety. There's spiced tea, fruity tea, green tea, chai tea...the list goes on. Plain old, basic lipton's tea doesn't really have any flavor, so that (or something like it) is probably what you're using now.

I live at highh Altitude. It is hard to get the water hot enough to make it right. So you have to boil it longer or heat it in the microwave to get it hot enough.

It's probably your tea, try using your friends brand.

The only secret to brewing tea is to make everything -hot-.Boil the water, swirl some in your cup, put the kettle back on the heat and bring back to a boil, then pour onto your leaves.

I don't drink much tea, i take this from somethign Douglas Adams once wrote.

make sure your water is boiling when you pour it!

Loose leaf tea is much cheaper than can always make half a pot if it's just you....warm the pot first, and use a tea cosy.

(wow, three teabags in a mug? you must be bouncing!)

one of the most important things in making tea if to make sure the water is boiling hot. Put the teabag in the cup and pour your water in, put the saucer on top of the cup and let it sit, so the tea leaves have time to bring out the flavor.I like Liptons or Redrose tea. Add your sugar and milk. Enjoy

I'm a tea lover also and I have tried different methods what I have found is that a good quality water makes a big difference also the teapot should be ceramic like china....

I love the taste of tea when using loose tea. I ordered some and they suggested using little cloth teabags so the tea is not in contact with metals like those tea balls. The bags are made of unbleached muslin.

When I heat the water on the stove I don't let it boil too long just when it starts I take it off right away and pour over the bag of lose tea. I let it set long enough so it's just right if I want to add milk, sugar and spices to it. If you want to add something to the tea then it needs to be stronger. If not 4 minutes is a good time for it to steep.

Then remove the bag right away after this time so it will not be bitter.

Here's a toast to you...and all the other tea drinkers...
Mama Jazzy Geri

Yoshi's cafe green tea ice cream
Categories: Desserts
Yield: 12 Servings
1 quart Milk
? ounce Powdered Japanese green tea
15 Egg yolks
1 pounds Sugar
1 cup Heavy cream
1 cup Half-and-half

Bring milk to a boil. Remove from heat and add green tea. Mix well. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks and sugar until they form a ribbon. Combine egg mixture with milk, then strain into a saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat until just before the mixture reaches a boil. Remove from heat and cool completely over ice water. Beat heavy cream and half-and-half over ice water until frothy. Pour into egg mixture and mix well. Process in ice cream maker according to manufacturer's directions. Freeze 2-3 hours before serving. From Della Masia, Prodigy ID# Txbg93a. MM:MK VMXV03A. caught my eye, browse through for your ideal tea:

Thank You for the question. Would You believe that some people actually think that a cup of tea makes itself? A good cup of Tea is like a decent cup of Coffee, or a fine wine. "One for each Person and One for the Pot" when using Tea Leaves. What brand of tea bag are You using? Did You know that soap will change the flavour of tea in a cup? Try using "pot" bags instead of the "Cup" bags. Let the water "brew" for a couple of extra minutes. Don't squeeze the bag with your fingers, use two spoons. Have you asked Your local Doctor to explain to You the effect that "Condese Crystals" (the colouring agent in tea) has on the taste buds?

You need the stems to get the full effect of tea.

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