How come when you first wake up in the morning water tastes really bad?!


How come when you first wake up in the morning water tastes really bad?

Doesn't happen to me!
Maybe your breath is so bad that the water tastes bad also!
Maybe you should try bottled water to see if it's due to your tap condition or just rinse off your mouth before drinking.

A lot of bacteria has been growing in your mouth overnight, and you're just washing them down your throat. Rinse first thing in the morning, then drink.

All that gunk from the day before!! Brush your teeth first, then drink!!

I have never had that problem.

Because of your breath!Seroiusly!

It's because overnight bacteria is just growing in your mouth. Your mouth is usually closed when you sleep so it's not like you're airing out your mouth. When you drink water so early in the morning, the water just tastes like the bacteria in your mouth. Like other's have suggested, I would suggest just rincing out your mouth. If you're only drinking water, you don't really have to brush your teeth before you drink, or else you'll get that minty flavor and that doesn't taste all that well.

I've never had that problem.Might be plaque. If you think it tastes bad, rinse your mouth well, then drink.

r u a smoker?if so try not 2 smoke before going 2 bed and make ur last thing done is washing ur mouth before bed.also if u drink 2 much tea and coffe,ry 2 adjust it.

Morning breath. Brush your teeth first.

That don't happen to me but that might be cause I don't notice it. My taster ain't very
sharp in the morning when I first wake up.
probably cause I eat too much garlic and I
shouldn't as I have low cholesteral. Eat a onion
first and then the water won't taste bad I bet!
maybe U should brush your teeth first or gargle
with listerine or other mouthwash!

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