Does Pepsi Max (no sugar) cause you to put on weight? It has 0.3kcal in..?!


Does Pepsi Max (no sugar) cause you to put on weight? It has 0.3kcal in..?

Answers: is basically calories and fat free.

yeas it does pepsi like the highs

no.i've heard the pepsi max (blackpool) causes you to lose weight if you know what i mean lol

I know that too much caffeinated drinks can cause water retention. But you'd have to drink a hell of alot of Pepsi Max to put on weight from calories. Sometimes when people use low calorie products they feel that this gives them allowance to eat alot of other stuff and end up eating more calories then usual.

no it doesnt but get a life??

In itself no but it does contain aspartame which has been linked with overeating (it is alleged that it interrupts the messages to the brain which tell you when to stop eating)

Lots of studies say its pretty nasty stuff. see for yourself;

Theres loads more sites like these.

How can something with virtually no calories possibly make you fat?!!! What it will do is bloat you with gas and poison your body with toxic chemicals (sugar substitutes). Check the websites listed by Uncle Fester. Personally I'd much rather take the risk of getting fat. Better still, just drink water or natural fruit juice.

no calories ... mean no weight gain... so pepsi max is a good diet drink

but it has plenty chemicals so don't drink too much... you are better with fizzy water...

yes because although it has no calories the CO2 contained inside stretches your muscles making the belly bigger. in this way you need to eat more to fill it and feel full i would suggest you stop drinking carbonated drinks and start exercising before you become heavier

Yes. Pepsi max contains Aspartame.

Aspartame converts to formic acid and FORMALDEHYDE, when formaldehyde enters the blood stream it attaches to fat cells in the body, these can not be broken down as fast as normal fat cells, so yes, you get fatter.

Further to that, aspartame is an addictive depressent, the more you have ( because you're addicted to it) the more you have, so a downward spiral is in motion.

Aspartame Arrse is a modern day problem, where drinkers of diet and no added sugar products, can not explain the massive size of their rear ends. When the problem is pointed out, it is always dismissed - because it can't possibly be their pepsi max doing this to them. Well it is.

Pepsi Max is toxic.

Do yourself a favour, after reading ALL the links I post, get rid of anything containing aspartame.

Are ye kinda anorexic?

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