For coffee lovers...?!


For coffee lovers...?

what do you order if and when you go to Tim Hortons or Starbucks?

Quad, venti, non fat, no whip, no foam, extra hot, white mocha


Quad, Grande, Americano, with room


Triple, Grande, Non fat, no foam, sugar free, vanilla latte

And in the summer the above on ice or a mocha frap double blended with an extra shot. I will only go to Tim’s if it is the only place around for miles, like driving through small towns on a road trip and then in that case it becomes an extra large double double.

Hot chocate.

Starbuck tall half caf latte
tim's medium 1 milk 1 sugar

Large, one cream, one sweetener.

And one plain timbit if I have my dogs with me.


I think those are all rip offs, wanna hear something funny, McDonald's actually has the best coffee than any other chain.
Its in the Consumer Reports, check it out if you want

I'm not gonna buy an $8 coffee when I can go to a diner and get a breakfast sepcial with all the coffee I can drink for $6

black coffee.

Because of my gastric bypass I am unable to tolerate much sugar, so I order a...
Venti Sugar Free Vanilla Latte iced and blended with extra ice.
This makes me think I'm getting a frap but without the extra calories and sugar in the frap mix.

If I want a hot drink..I order a Venti Sugar Free Vanilla Latte or one of the new Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce Lattes.


Caramel mocciato.

Venti latte. Sometimes iced

Venti soy, toffee nut, extra hot latte.

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