Dose anyone still make their ice tea like this?!


Dose anyone still make their ice tea like this?

I was at my friends house over the weeken and she asked me if I could make some ice tea and I got out one of her pots and put some water in it and put it on the stove and then a few of her husbands friends came in and asked me what am I cooking and I told them Ice tea and one of them told me that he thought his Grandmother was the only one who made Ice tea like that.

As far as I'm concerned it's the best way to make it!! There are other methods, but they take way to long and aren't nearly as potent as the old pot-on-stove-top way.

Personal Experience.

Your way is the only way, as far as I'm concerned.

Steep on, grandma!

A Texas Girl


I definitely make it that way; anything else just doesn't taste right!

Don't feel bad. I still make Iced Tea like this. And there are times where I will buy the Lipton Cold Brew tea bags and make it that way as well.

My grandma was from Texas and did it that way. Her tea was unbeatable.

However, I like to put a glass jar outside with tea bags in it. The sun does a nice job of heating it up, and it's darned good.

I still make tea like that if it's not instant...but I only know that from watching my grandma for years make tea every night. She still does it that way, too.

Is there a different way? I guess they must mean those instant powders. I hope not many people have iced tea that way.
I'm even partial to brewing it in a ceramic pot rather than a metal one. Even that makes a difference in taste.

Rarely. I usually make Ice tea when its hot. SO I get a glass container and put water and leave it in the sun with some teabags. If I'm in a hurry, I'll boil some water to make it. I'm environmentally conscious using to sun to make it. Actually I'm just plain cheap. LOL. I read somewhere sun brew is better, because if you use hot water, the tea comes out cloudy when it cools down.

I still make iced tea like that, too.

It's kind of funny that you submitted this question, being that it's the middle of February, and it's freezing cold in most of the country -- I'm assuming it's warm where you are!


That is the only way I make tea. Can't hardly stand to drink the instant. My mom and mother-in-law also make it this way.

I love ice tea the old fashioned way, the powdered stuff reminds me of coolaid, it just can't be good for you.

Iced tea-
You make tea and then make it cold

Another way I make it is
I put the tea bags sweetener and water in a jug and then let it sit in the sun light for HOURS then pour over Ice when ready

the easiest way way is to buy the powder and add water

I only know one way to make my own quality ice tea and that's by boiling water and putting 6-8 tea bags in a pitcher then pouring the hot water onto the tea bags. That is the best, tastiest way to do it.

well - I don't but my mom used to put a giant jar with tea bags and water outside in the sun - almost the same I guess. really good.

That way makes the best tasting iced tea ever!!

I don't but i know some people who do sometimes

Of course!! That's the ONLY way as far as I'm concerned! I think that we enjoy the taste of the warm/hot tea being poured over a big old glass of ice! It's wonderful isn't it? I've tried the cold water tea brands, but they just don't compare this!

The sun tea method is great too!!

I bet that your hubby's grandmother said this too: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

You are using the best way. Most people don't make real ice tea anymore like we do. I like to make sun tea by starting this way then finishing it in the sun also. I think I'll go make some now. Thanks!! :)

Sure, but I mostly make sun tea.

Everyone I now in the South makes sweet tea in a pot.

I still make my tea that way too. I learned from my grandma.

I do, that's how my mom taught me.

I make it like that in the winter. In the summer I put tea bags in a gallon jar of water and put it outside in the sun for sun tea. Tea the way we make it is the real thing. Glad to see other people do it too.

Of course...especially in the south. Make sure you add the sugar to the hot water while it is still on the stove.

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