What is water made does it have any ingredients or is it just there?!


What is water made does it have any ingredients or is it just there?

what is water made of

Water is h2o, two hydrogen molecules attached to an oxygen molecule...
It is unique in that it is the only natural substance that is found in all three states -- liquid, solid (ice), and gas (steam) -- at the temperatures normally found on Earth, which is constantly interacting and changing.
And just for those science geeks, like myself (go Mythbusters!)..

Only 1% of the world's water is usable to us, about 97% is salty sea water, and 2% is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps - 1% of the world's water supply is a precious commodity, necessary for our survival.
Dehydration (lack of water) will kill us faster than starvation (lack of food).


Hydrogen and Oxygen.
0 calories
0 carbs
0 g fat

hydrogen and oxygen

water is made of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molicules. H20

Water, in its purest form, is made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, hence H2O.

hydrogen & oxygen

mountain dew

two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule...H20 that's it...it's just water

H2O hydrogen and oxygen, they are natural elements from the earth so yes, you can say water is just here because the earth makes it.

two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen

2 Hydrogen

1 Oxogen


water is made out of two parts hydrogen and one par oxygen (h2o) it has ingrediants but im pretty sure u cant make it without a lab. that recipe for water makes one molecule of water.

Water is a compound of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen (H2O).

2 part hydrogen 1 part oxygen! Refreshing! Check out the table of elements to lear more about these basic elements.

Dihydrogen Monoxide

two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. but did you know that water is also able to send messages? check this site out!

You can learn to use prayerful intent to put beneficial energies into your body, into substances, such as food and water, into objects, such as jewelry, and into your living environment. You can bless things with unique energy vibrations as defined by your intent You can also change detrimental energies into beneficial energies, all with the power of prayer and blessing. You can literally learn to surround fill yourself with what you desire to bring into to your life rather than what you fear. I can easily demonstrate this with dowsing and muscle testing. Dr. Emoto's work to get messages from water gives physical, scientific evidence of what I teach about the power of prayer and blessing.

It all depends on what type of water are you drinking. Each bottle that you buy from a store shelf will be listed as what type of water and how they are process. Most of the bottle water now are prodce using city water and go to a R.O system to take away 90% of minerals and then add minerals in again to make a distenct flavor for each brand.

hydrogen and oxygen...thats it

its rain water or melted snow

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