How many cups of coffee is it safe to consume in a day??!


How many cups of coffee is it safe to consume in a day??

i know it is supposed to be bad but what is considered a safe amount

one: it is safe and healthy

Dunno i`m on my second already so i will watch this space.

Not sure but it'ss 11:30am and I'm on my 5th cup since 8am. That's not good!!

Come on, guy! Be smart! Drink water for your own good. Kisses.

I dont think its unsafe, just supposed to mess up your metabolism and sleeping habits a bit! My boyfriend drinks about 10 cups a day and it hasnt done him any harm. I think if you give up everything they say is bad for you, then you will shrivel up and die anyway, so I say everything in moderation and a bit of what you fancy does you good!

you can drink as much as you want,its not bad for you.

max 2 cups

no more than 6 or you may suffer palpitations

about 8 cups a day

Coffee isn't bad for you. Studies of people who drank a large amount of coffee compared with people who didn't could find no health problems that were caused by the coffee.

I drink about two pints of coffee a day, and it is no problem.

dunno put kettle on and i'll teel ya black one sugar please,
The per capita consumption level of caffeine for adults is approximately 200 mg. daily, or a mean intake of 3 mg./kg. body weight for the average adult. Children consume significantly less caffeine than adults. The average daily intake of 5 to 18 year-old children is around 38 mg. This is equivalent to 1 mg./kg., which is substantially less than what the average adult consumes. For children and young adults, the primary sources of caffeine are tea and soft drinks, while caffeine intake for adults 25 and older is mostly derived from coffee. (1). i need another coffee after that. cheers

abt 1-2 cups a day. thats the advice a doctor gave me.

The safe level of Caffiene consumption is no more than 6 cups in a 24 hour period.....

the experts say 2 cups but I drink 2 pots a day. coffee is not bad for you, it actually has some benifits to it.

4 I believe, though there is evidence to suggest coffee is a carcinogenic

two cups of coffee can do ~ I suppose most of people here have misconception -- coffee is good for you as long as you don't over-consumed it!

It is far better and safer to drink coffee ~ rather than alcohol drinks!

I reccomend you drink only 3 cups of coffee a day but try to add more water to your diet

there is no limit i have probable abought 4 cups anhour adn hhavv noill effescts atll


if u want a good health , u have to stop it . it's bad . but if u cann't just drink from 1 to 2 a day + try to stop it .

in italy is normal to have no more than 8 espressi a day so according to the amount of caffeine in instant or british coffee i would drink no more than 5

about 20

one thats what i think

not more then 1 or 2 a day!

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